Status Report

NASA Internal Email: Closing of the NASA-sponsored Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE)

By SpaceRef Editor
June 4, 2013
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From: Ehmen, Jeffrey S. (MSFC-HS30) []

Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 4:22 PM

To: Collins, Brenda J. (ARC-VE); Kassaie, Parvin (JPL-1850)[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]; Lacy, Dovie E. (GRC-CEN0); Gabrys, Robert E. (GSFC-1600); White, Susan M. (JSC-AD411); Diggs, Hortense B (KSC-EXE00); Hathaway, Roger A. (LARC-B404); SHERMAN, LINDA A. (GSFC-1600); Rowan, Tammy B. (MSFC-HS30); Clausen, Thomas B. (ARC-VE); Seidel, David M (JPL-1854)[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]; Billings, Russell L. (DFRC-K)[AERO Institute]; Lasalvia, Robert F. (GRC-CEN0); KERN, DEAN A. (GSFC-1600); Pritchard, Edward J. (JSC-AD431); Brink, Kristina M. (KSC-EXE00); Mccown, Dollie M. (LARC-B404); Gilman, Ivelisse R. (LARC-B404); Koehler, Keith A. (WFF-1300); COPELAN, CHRISTOPHER R. (SSC-UA00); Garrison, Leslie L. (GSFC-160.0)[PARAGON TEC]; Zimmerman, Amy Frances. (KSC-OSU-ERC)[OSU]; Boyd, Monica L. (GRC-CEN0)[PARAGON TEC]; Geddes, Sondra L. {Sondra} (DFRC-K)[AERO Institute]; Partida, Paula S (JPL-1854)[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]; Beebe, Jessica A. (WFF-200.C)[ES ACTION (WICC)]; Kepner, Frederick R. (MSFC-HS30)[Will Technology Inc – ASRI]; Emery, Katrina Y. (DFRC-K); Lapka, Evelyn E. (JSC-AD5)[MSFEFI]; Richards, Lance (DFRC-K)

Cc: ‘’; Trotta, Ann Marie (HQ-NG000); Alexander, Sonja R. (HQ-NG000); Storey, Angela D. (MSFC-CS20); Wallace, Katie V. (MSFC-HS30); Elias, Renee; Williams, Diedra A. (MSFC-HS30); Matthews, Mabel J. (HQ-HA000); Stofan, James L. (HQ-HA020); Walsh, Kelley Christopher. (MSFC-IS30)[MITS]; Wild, Flint L. (MSFC-IS30)[MITS]; Durham, Kevin E. (HQ-HA000)[PARAGON TEC]

Subject: NOTICE: Closing of the NASA-sponsored Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE)

The NASA-sponsored Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE), which has been operated through a cooperative agreement with Lorain County Joint Vocational School in Oberlin, Ohio is closing. The cooperative agreement, which provides funding for CORE, ends on June 30, 2013. Final orders through CORE should be submitted no later than June 9, 2013.

The following are important milestones:

– May 31, 2013 — Site Visitor Notification – A notice will be placed on the CORE website ( that the cooperative agreement for the operation of CORE will end June 30, 2013; final orders will need to be placed by June 9, 2013; and all services will conclude June 30, 2013.

– June 10, 2013 – The CORE website will be taken off-line and replaced with an explanatory redirection page sending visitors to the “Find Teaching Materials” Web page ( from which educators can search for electronic versions of NASA educational materials, including video clips and links to other content-rich NASA websites. We also plan to direct educators to the NASA Field Center Educator Resource Centers (ERCs) to inquire on the availability of educational materials. This explanatory redirection link will only remain active through Sept. 30, 2013. Beginning October 1, visitors will be immediately redirected to the “Find Teaching Materials” Web page.

We recommend that you remove any links to CORE ( from websites for which you have responsibility.

Please contact me if you have questions.

Jeff Ehmen
Manager, eEducation Small Projects
Academic Affairs Office
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, Alabama 35812

SpaceRef staff editor.