NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Spring Symposium

The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program is proud to announce its first annual Spring Symposium at the Westin Hotel in Pasadena, California on March 27-29, 2012. All are invited to attend this meeting which will feature research presentations from our NIAC Phase I Fellows. Topics will include: Propulsion & Power, Space Debris Removal, NEO Mitigation, Humans in Space and on Planetary Surfaces, Robotics & Space Probes, and Imaging & Communications. Keynote presentations will be given from experts in aeronautics and advanced technologies and further information will be discussed regarding the latest news about NIAC’s exciting progress and plans.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Gentry Lee, Chief Engineer for the Solar System Exploration Directorate at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will present a keynote address,”Innovation and Infusion in a Structured World” on March 27th. David Brin, renowned author and NIAC External Council member, will present a keynote address,”Looking Upward – The Most Human Trait” on March 28th.
REGISTRATION: Attendees can register for the meeting at with their name, the dates they’ll be attending, affiliation, email address and telephone number. There is no charge for registering but registration is encouraged so we will have an accurate count for attendance. Further questions can be forwarded to: Jason Derleth ( or Katherine Reilly (
HOTEL RESERVATIONS: To make a hotel reservation, each attendee can reserve a room at the Registration site or contact the hotel directly by calling 626-792-2727 or Central Westin Reservations at 1-866-837- 4181. A block of sleeping rooms have been reserved for Symposium attendees at the Westin Pasadena under the group name “NIAC Symposium” and is reserved between Monday, March 26 and Friday, March 30. We encourage you to call the hotel and make your reservation as soon as possible. You may cancel your reservation up to 24 hours prior to your day of arrival. Check-in time is 3 p.m. and check-out time is 12:00 p m. Any departures after 12:00 pm are subject to the full day charge. If you need additional assistance with reservations, please contact the hotel directly.
HOTEL: The Host Hotel, Westin Pasadena is located at 191 North Robles Avenue, Pasadena, CA (