Status Report

NASA Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report #4853

By SpaceRef Editor
May 27, 2009
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HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE – Continuing to collect World Class Science


PERIOD COVERED: 5am May 26 – 5am May 27, 2009 (DOY 146/0900z-147/0900z)


ACS 11368

ACS CCD Temperature Set Point Determination

Purpose: Adjust the CCD temperature to nominal operating level.

COS 11354
COS Science Data Buffer Check/Self-Tests for CS Buffer RAM and DIB

The COS Science Buffer RAM is checked for bit flips during SAA
passages. This is followed by a Control Section (CS) self-test
consisting of writing/reading a specified bit pattern from each memory
location in Buffer RAM and a similar test for DIB RAM. The DIB must be
placed in BOOT mode for its self-test. The CS Buffer RAM self-test as
well as the bit flip tests are all done with the CS in Operate.

Supports Activity COS-03
WFC3 11358

WFC3 Science Data Buffer Check/Self-Tests for CS Buffer RAM
The WFC3 Science Buffer RAM is checked for bit flips during SAA
passages. This is followed by a Control Section (CS) self-test
consisting of writing/reading a specified bit pattern from each memory
location in Buffer RAM. The CS Buffer RAM self-test as well as the bit
flip tests are all done with the CS in OPERATE.


Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary
reports of potential non-nominal performance that will be

HSTARS: (None)


18447-0 – Set ACS Event Flag 10 so ACS does not Safe @ 146/14:30z
18453-0 – Restore normal ACS SDH tasking orders @ 146/14:35z
18454-0 – PN format for Gyro Data Collect @ 147/02:00z



FGS GSAcq 5 5
FGS REAcq 0 0
OBAD with Maneuver 6 6


Flash Reports:

-The ACS WFC TEC was enabled at 146/13:00 and successfully cooled the
WFC detector to its default operational temperature of -81dgC this
morning. It took ~50 minutes for the TEC to reach a stable control
current draw of ~2.0amps and its initial operations show no anomalous
behavior. Event Flag 10 was then set via Ops Request 18447 (so stored
commanding will skip ACS safing activation at 147/04:24). The next
activity for ACS is stored command recovery from Hold to WFHROper with
the WFC TEC enabled. The HRC TEC and HRC Backpowering will remain
disabled (commanding blocked by Event Flags 7 and 9).

-The FSW team completed their analysis of the last 3 zero-filled
patterns loaded to and dumped from the COS CS Buffer memory, no bit
flips in CS Buffer memory was observed. This concludes the COS memory
testing, No anomalous behavior was observed.

SpaceRef staff editor.