Status Report

NASA Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report # 3716

By SpaceRef Editor
October 15, 2004
Filed under , ,

HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE – Continuing to collect World Class Science




ACS/HRC 10182

Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Type Ia Supernovae: The
Necessity of UV Observations

Type Ia supernovae {SNe Ia} are very important to many diverse areas
of astrophysics, from the chemical evolution of galaxies to
observational cosmology which led to the discovery of dark energy and
the accelerating Universe. However, the utility of SNe Ia as
cosmological probes depends on the degree of our understanding of SN
Ia physics, and various systematic effects such as cosmic chemical
evolution. At present, the progenitors of SNe Ia and the exact
explosion mechanisms are still poorly understood, as are evolutionary
effects on SN Ia peak luminosities. Since early-time UV spectra and
light curves of nearby SNe Ia can directly address these questions, we
propose an approach consisting of two observational components: {1}
Detailed studies of two very bright, young, nearby SNe Ia with HST UV
spectroscopy at 13 epochs within the first 1.5 months after discovery;
and {2} studies of correlations with luminosity for five somewhat more
distant Hubble-flow SNe Ia, for which relative luminosities can be
determined with precision, using 8 epochs of HST UV spectroscopy
and/or broad-band imaging. The HST data, along with extensive
ground-based optical to near-IR observations, will be analyzed with
state-of-the-art models to probe SN Ia explosion physics and constrain
the nature of the progenitors. The results will form the basis for the
next phase of precision cosmology measurements using SNe Ia, allowing
us to more fully capitalize on the substantial past {and future}
investments of time made with HST in observations of high-redshift SNe

ACS/HRC 9792

Uncovering the CV population in M15: a deep, time-resolved, far-UV
survey of the cluster core

We propose to carry out a deep, far-ultraviolet {FUV}, time-resolved
for faint cataclysmic variables {CVs} and other dynamically-formed
objects in the globular cluster {GC} M15. We will use the ACS/SBC to
carry out 6 epochs of FUV imaging of this cluster in a single filter,
and will use two additional visits to obtain images in other FUV and
NUV filters. Since crowding is not a problem in the FUV, this will
yield time-resolved FUV photometry of all blue objects in the cluster
core. Our CV census will be both deep enough to be essentially
complete and “broad” enough to involve all of the following CV
characteristics: {1} UV brightness; {2} blue FUV spectral shape; {3}
strong CIV and HeII emission; {4} short time-scale {$sim$ minutes}
variability {flickering, WD spin}; {6} intermediate time-scale {$sim$
hours} variability {orbital variations}; {7} long time-scale {$sim$
weeks} variability {dwarf nova eruptions}. We will thus find the CV
population in M15, if it exists. In addition, our survey will detect
numerous blue stragglers and hot white dwarfs, as well as any other
blue objects near the core. Finally, our photometry will yield
high-quality FUV light curves of the two low-mass x-ray binaries in


The COSMOS 2-Degree ACS Survey

We will undertake a 2 square degree imaging survey {Cosmic Evolution
Survey — COSMOS} with ACS in the I {F814W} band of the VIMOS
equatorial field. This wide field survey is essential to understand
the interplay between Large Scale Structure {LSS} evolution and the
formation of galaxies, dark matter and AGNs and is the one region of
parameter space completely unexplored at present by HST. The
equatorial field was selected for its accessibility to all
ground-based telescopes and low IR background and because it will
eventually contain ~100, 000 galaxy spectra from the VLT-VIMOS
instrument. The imaging will detect over 2 million objects with I> 27
mag {AB, 10 sigma}, over 35, 000 Lyman Break Galaxies {LBGs} and
extremely red galaxies out to z ~ 5. COSMOS is the only HST project
specifically designed to probe the formation and evolution of
structures ranging from galaxies up to Coma-size clusters in the epoch
of peak galaxy, AGN, star and cluster formation {z ~0.5 to 3}. The
size of the largest structures necessitate the 2 degree field. Our
team is committed to the assembly of several public ancillary datasets
including the optical spectra, deep XMM and VLA imaging, ground-based
optical/IR imaging, UV imaging from GALEX and IR data from SIRTF.
Combining the full-spectrum multiwavelength imaging and spectroscopic
coverage with ACS sub-kpc resolution, COSMOS will be Hubble’s ultimate
legacy for understanding the evolution of both the visible and dark

NIC/NIC3 10226

The NICMOS Grism Parallel Survey

We propose to continue managing the NICMOS pure parallel program.
Based on our experience, we are well prepared to make optimal use of
the parallel opportunities. The improved sensitivity and efficiency of
our observations will substantially increase the number of
line-emitting galaxies detected. As our previous work has
demonstrated, the most frequently detected line is Halpha at
0.7 NIC1/NIC2/NIC3 8793

NICMOS Post-SAA calibration – CR Persistence Part 4

A new procedure proposed to alleviate the CR-persistence problem of
NICMOS. Dark frames will be obtained immediately upon exiting the SAA
contour 23, and every time a NICMOS exposure is scheduled within 50
minutes of coming out of the SAA. The darks will be obtained in
parallel in all three NICMOS Cameras. The POST-SAA darks will be
non-standard reference files available to users with a USEAFTER
date/time mark. The keyword ‘USEAFTER=date/time’ will also be added to
the header of each POST-SAA DARK frame. The keyword must be populated
with the time, in addition to the date, because HST crosses the SAA ~8
times per day so each POST-SAA DARK will need to have the appropriate
time specified, for users to identify the ones they need. Both the raw
and processed images will be archived as POST-SAA DARKSs. Generally we
expect that all NICMOS science/calibration observations started within
50 minutes of leaving an SAA will need such maps to remove the CR
persistence from the science images. Each observation will need its
own CRMAP, as different SAA passages leave different imprints on the
NICMOS detectors.

NIC2 10160

The nuclear scattering geometry of Seyfert galaxies

Orientation-based unification schemes are now well-established as the
basis for understanding the relationships between different classes of
AGN. However, our recent study of the optical polarization properties
of Seyfert 1 galaxies indicates that scattered light emerging from
these objects often follows a different path to that in Seyfert 2’s,
indicating that the simplest unification geometry is incomplete. We
have developed a generic scattering model for Seyfert nuclei which
includes a compact, equatorial scattering region located within the
circum-nuclear torus and the ‘classic’ polar scattering region outside
it. We propose to test this model by using NICMOS to make NIR imaging
observations that will allow us to isolate the two scattering regions
within individual objects.

NIC3 10337

The COSMOS 2-Degree ACS Survey NICMOS Parallels

The COSMOS 2-Degree ACS Survey NICMOS Parallels. This program is a
companion to program 10092.

WFPC2 10170

Atmospheric Variability on Uranus and Neptune

We propose Snapshot observations of Uranus and Neptune to monitor
changes in their atmospheres on time scales of weeks, months, and
years. Uranus is rapidly approaching equinox in 2007, with another 4
degrees of latitude becoming visible every year. Recent HST
observations during this epoch {including 6818: Hammel, Lockwood, and
Rages; 7885: Hammel, Karkoschka, and Marley; 8680: Hammel, Rages,
Lockwood, and Marley; and 8634: Rages, Hammel, Lockwood, Marley, and
McKay} have revealed strongly wavelength-dependent latitudinal
structure and the presence of numerous visible-wavelength cloud
features in the northern hemisphere. Long-term ground-based
observations {Lockwood and Thompson 1999} show seasonal brightness
changes whose origins are not well understood. Recent near-IR images
of Neptune obtained using adaptive optics on the Keck Telescope
together with images from our Cycle 9 Snapshot program {8634} show a
general increase in activity at south temperate latitudes as well as
the possible development of another Great Dark Spot. Further Snapshot
observations of these two dynamic planets will elucidate the nature of
long-term changes in their zonal atmospheric bands and clarify the
processes of formation, evolution, and dissipation of discrete albedo


Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary
reports of potential non-nominal performance that will be
investigated.) None



                          SCHEDULED     SUCCESSFUL    FAILURE TIMES
FGS Gsacq               12                       12
FGS Reacq                02                       02
FHST Update             15                       15


Set-up and execution of HST PSS development testing. The purpose of
this testing is to verify the PSS Simulator version xx (intentionally
removed) can support Comm Module and SI FSW dumps.

SpaceRef staff editor.