Status Report

NASA HQ Notice to Employees: Request for Information: Seeking Ideas for Missions, Capabilities and Technologies

By SpaceRef Editor
November 8, 2004
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Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004

To: (Recipient list suppressed)

From: Centerwide Announcement


Point of contact: Rob Mueller, Advanced Planning and
Integration Office, 818/393-1336

Request for Information:

Seeking Ideas for Missions, Capabilities and Technologies

NASA is preparing a set of roadmaps that will form the
foundation of the agency’s strategic plan. “Strategic
Roadmaps” will explore options and establish pathways to
achieve NASA’s strategic objectives. “Capability Roadmaps”
will recommend approaches to provide technical capabilities
critical to NASA’s future programs.

The purpose of the NASA Advanced Planning and Integration
Office Request for Information is to solicit contributions
to the roadmap development process with the goal of
ensuring that the best and widest possible set of ideas is
considered in the formulation of NASA’s plans for the
future. The office will hold a public workshop to share
innovative approaches on Nov. 30 in Washington D.C. The
registration and white paper submittal deadline is Nov. 16.
You must register in advance and receive a confirmation of
registration in order to attend the workshop. (To
register, go to:

NASA employees are invited to contribute and encouraged to
share this announcement with anyone outside the agency who
might be interested in attending.

For more information, contact Rob Mueller in the NASA
Advanced Planning and Integration Office (APIO); 4800 Oak
Grove Drive, Mail Stop 301-422, Pasadena, CA 91109-8099;
phone: 818/393-1336; fax: 818/393-2699; E-mail:

SpaceRef staff editor.