Status Report

NASA HERO Appendix A Released: Research and Technology Development to Support Crew Health and Performance in Space Exploration Missions

By SpaceRef Editor
July 31, 2018
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NASA’s Human Research Program (HRP) has released solicited research response area NRA 80JSC018N0001-FLAGSHIP “NASA Research and Technology Development to Support Crew Health and Performance in Space Exploration Missions” that solicits applied research in support of HRP goals and objectives. This response area is Appendix A of the Human Exploration Research Opportunities (HERO) NRA (80JSC018N0001).
Proposals are solicited by NASA in the areas of Risk of Synergistic Effects of Radiation, Stress, and Altered Gravity on Spaceflight Behavioral Health and Performance Virtual NASA Specialized Center of Research (VNSCOR); Space Radiobiology Tissue Sharing: Research Proposing the Use of Archived Tissue Samples or Samples from Ongoing Experiments; and Impact of Dose-Rate on Space Radiation Health Risks.
Appendix A of the HERO NRA and associated documentation can be found at:
The HERO NRA including all open appendices is available through the NASA Research Opportunities homepage at:
A virtual Pre-Proposers Conference is scheduled for August 15, 2018, and more details will be posted shortly alongside this solicitation on NSPIRES. Appendix A Step-1 proposals are due September 5, 2018.  Invited Appendix A Step-2 proposals are due November 30, 2018.
All categories of United States (U.S.) institutions are eligible to submit proposals in response to the NRA. Principal Investigators may collaborate with universities, Federal Government laboratories, the private sector, and state and local government laboratories. In all such arrangements, the applying entity is expected to be responsible for administering the project according to the management approach presented in the proposal. NASA’s policy is to conduct research with non-U.S. organizations on a cooperative, no exchange-of-funds basis.
This email is being sent on behalf of HRP and is intended as an information announcement to the research community related to the NASA Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD).
Thank you for your continued interest in NASA. Please refer to the solicitation document for contact information.

SpaceRef staff editor.