Status Report

NASA Haughton Mars Project 2003: Photo Report: Comms and Webcams

By SpaceRef Editor
July 12, 2003
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Images Copyright NASA HMP-2003/SpaceRef

Publication prohibited without written permission

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SpaceRef’s “MarsCam” Webcams awaiting unpacking

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SpaceRef’s “MarsCams” awaiting installation

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Linux and Mac laptops being used to configure webcams

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Adjusting the satellite dish located atop Maynard Hill overseeing Base Camp

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Comm system on Maynard Hill (L to R): 2 meter satellite dish; comm tent, MarsCam 1; windsock

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MarsCam 1 on Maynard Hill
[live link]

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MarsCam 2 looking at Base Camp
[live link]

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MarsCam3 inside the Mess Tent
[live link]

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MarsCam4 which will be installed inside the greenhouse to provide over-winter imagery

SpaceRef staff editor.