NASA Haughton Mars Project 2003: Photo Report: Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse
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Images Copyright NASA HMP-2003/SpaceRef
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The Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse as we left it in late July 2002 |

The greenhouse as we first found it on 3 July 2003 after enduring a winter on Devon Island |

The greenhouse as it appears on 10 Jul 2003. More will be added soon. |

One of the Lexan panels on the greenhouse has a partial crack. The cause has yet to be determined. |

Newly installed air inlets on the front (East) side of the greenhouse |

Dual, louvered exhaust fans installed in the aft (West) side of the greenhouse. These fans will be under computer control. |

Mylar-covered bubble insulation which has been applied to the lower North wall of the greenhouse to reflect heat from propane heaters |

Greenhouse viewed from the North. Three sets of propane tanks have been installed to power heating system. More tanks will be added soon. |

Greenhouse Project Manager Keith Cowing, SpaceRef Interactive, drilling mounting holes in greenhouse for propane mounting supports |

Alain Berinstain, Greenhouse Principal Investigator from CSA/University Guelph, installs sensor circuitry in the aft (West) end of the greenhouse. |

Matt Silver, CSA Intern, installing one of three propane heaters. |

Keegan Boyd, CSA Intern, field testing the software and sensors that will monitor and control the greenhouse. |

Coated lettuce seeds being planted in the greenhouse |

Tom Graham, doctoral candiate, University of Guelph, plants seeds in growth tray. |

Keith Cowing planting seeds in one of two growth trays to be installed in the greenhouse. |