NASA GSFC Management Council Meeting 29 Jan 2001
Al Diaz is at HQ meeting with M/Rothenberg on TDRS.
The GLAST Independent Assessment meeting went well.
The Independent Cost Assessment for VCL meeting was held last week. Will meet with Al Diaz today.
Will meet with the HQ/M/Readdy and the Deputies of HQ/Y, S, and U on Manifest issue. This will be followed by a decision meeting with Al Diaz and the
AA’s of HQ/Y, S, and U.
The ST-5 GPMC Review is scheduled for Friday.
QED’s are scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Wayne Boswell sent message to those presenting at the Executive Council Retreat. Responses should be sent to Mary.
NASA HQ and Oracle have reached an agreement on Agency site-wide licensing.
The All Hands Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, at 9 a.m., in the Building 8 Auditorium (handout distributed).
The GSFC Education Summit is being held today (handout distributed).
The Visitors Center will be closed on 1/19/01.
A press conference on NEAR Rendezvous is scheduled for 1/31/01.
HQ/E held a retreat last week at Virginia Beach.
The next NASA EO Board meeting will be held on 3/20-21/01 at Dryden.
HQ/E will be conducting a study of EO office responsibilities Agencywide.
A NASA recruitment team is being established at HQ/F.
February is Black History Month. A calendar of events will be distributed shortly.
Met with LaRC regarding proposal support. Meeting went well.
Problem on HESSI is limited to filters. Review is scheduled for this week.
Are internally working the Visiting Committee action plan.
Bill Worrall is retiring on 3/2/01. A party is planned for 2/15/01.
Aqua did not deliver.
MAP problem worked–2 days were lost.
Energy crisis in California is affecting the Projects.
Attended EDAP last week. Five of seven applications were accepted.
Europeans are happy for involvement with LISA. Further negotiations are necessary on roles and responsibilities.
The Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter payload was recovered after the LDB balloon flight was terminated in Antarctica. Mission was declared a success by
the PI.
TopHAT LDB balloon was still in the air after 25 days over Antarctica. Are waiting for it to drift over suitable recovery area before terminating flight.
ULDB test flight with Nightglow payload is awaiting better weather before launch from Australia.
Seawall rock being placed on Wallops Island last Friday was discovered to have what was thought to be unexploded dynamite in drill holes. Area was cleared and
vendor contacted. Turned out to be wet, soggy residue from explosive charges. Vendor removed it.
Last week was the third anniversary of the launch of TRMM. A celebration was held at the Rec Center.
The Carbon Cycle Workshop was held last week.
Code 150 hosted the Third Annual Resources Day last week. Day was a success.
Remind supervisors to certify and return New Employee Training forms.
The OIG has initiated a review of Public Law 106-554 concerning the collection of personal information on NASA’s publicly accessible Web sites. This action
will be worked with Codes AO and G at HQ with response due to Congress by 2/16/01.
Property Custodian training was held on 1/22/01 with 93 of 176 present. Make-up sessions will be scheduled for the remaining custodians. A WFF session will
be scheduled in March.
Another public meeting on the Facility Master Plan is scheduled fro 2/5/01 at the Visitors Center.
The OIG has terminated its audit of NASA Carrier Account Operations due to higher priority scheduling and resource demands.
Received money from HQ for the final payment of the Grumman Termination Settlement for Space Station Reston Office. The mod is signed, and contractor has
been paid.
Had a good turnout at the Tom Luedtke open forum for contractors on 2/23/01. Many questions were asked relating to contractor consolidations, small business
set-asides, and the use of GSA contracts.
NASA has been recognized as one of America’s top 50 organizations for providing multicultural business opportunities in an Internet-based election involving
more than 50 thousand of America’s leading women-owned and minority-owned businesses.
The Mission Assurance contract for Code 300 was signed and is effective 1/31/01.
The OIG Inspection and Assessment Group will conduct a review to ensure that Security banners are installed on all computer systems.
The University Affairs Officers meeting was held last week. Discussed combining the JOVE program with the Summer Faculty Fellowship program.
OPM has issued implementing regulations on agencies ability to repay student loans.
Distributed handout on referral bonuses.
Thanks to GSFC/HQ group who were at IV&V Facility on Friday. The visit went well.