NASA GSFC Management Council Meeting 16 Jan 2001
Notified that Shuttle schedule is rolling back due to cabling problem.
Board of Directors is scheduled for this afternoon.
The dedication of the GEST Center at UMBC is scheduled for Friday.
Will be discussing the Retreat offline with several managers.
Introduced Elissa Robbins. Elissa is on an MIT externship and will be at the Center for the next 3 weeks.
Thanks to everyone for their inputs regarding the Air Force Lab opportunity.
Last week was very busy with PMC activities.
The Diversity Council meeting is scheduled for today.
QED’s are scheduled for this week.
Integrated Business Plan presentations with Directorates are scheduled for this week.
Attended Landsat Data Continuity Workshop last week.
IS&T Colloquium is scheduled for Wednesday. Handout distributed.
Retreat was held last week in preparation for IS&T Visiting Committee.
Sent out status on automated calendaring capital investment. Please call Mark if you have any questions.
Video and press release will be going out today with Landsat-7 data.
Will be attending the EO Officers meeting in Virginia Beach next week.
Thanks to everyone for their strong participation in Rev. Fauntroy’s visit.
Briefed HQ/Y/Ghassem last week on reorganization.
Krista Paquin is leaving GSFC.
Firmware delay on IRAC.
Shuttle manifiest – looks like HST will fly on Columbia.
Met last Friday on POES/ITT regarding resuming testing.
Working problem on EO-1.
Jim Greaves asked to work with STEREO Independent Assessment Team.
Rev. Fauntroy’s visit last week went well.
Buzz Aldrin had to cancel his visit. He will reschedule later.
Will refly Antarctica payload next year.
Franco Einaudi is at AMS meeting this week.
Arnold Holz will be retiring at the end of the week.
The Office of Government Ethics will conduct an audit the week of 2/12/01.
The preliminary report on TIMED at APL is scheduled for this week.
Trip to IV&V Facility is scheduled for 1/26/01.
The OIG has issued a final report on Property Administration Delegations for Contractor-Held Property. Management concurred with the four
The OIG entrance conference on the Audit of UNIX Operating System Security Controls at GSFC was held on Wednesday, 1/10/01.
Code 200 is consolidating its IT security function from Codes 205 and 290 into one organizational entity in Code 290. Personnel and space details are being
Ball was debriefed on the ATMS selection last week.
Are preparing for negotiations with APL on SEC/LWS.
A kick-off meeting for SESDA users is scheduled for 1/16/01 at 1 p.m. in Building 26, Room 205.
The OIG has issued its final report on Cost Sharing for Environmental Cleanup Efforts. The report was issued to Code J and included three recommendations.
The Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, House Committee on Science has asked GAO to review whether NASA has adequate mechanisms in place to
ensure that past lessons learned from mission failures are applied to new missions. The GAO evaluator will be visiting GSFC the week of 1/22/01. The GSFC
POC is Rich Day.
Applications are being accepted until 1/24/01 for USRP internship starting at GSFC in the fall.
NASA Academy applications are being accepted until 2/2/00.
Distributed Diversity Profile questionnaire. The questionnaire is due on 1/22/01 and should be sent directly to the consultant.