NASA GRAIL Guest Scientist Program

The goals of the program are to: a) enhance the scientific return from the GRAIL mission by broadening participation in the mission, and b) augment the existing GRAIL science team to include new members conducting investigations that broaden and/or complement the funded Principal Investigator (PI)-led investigations, thus maximizing the contribution of GRAIL to the future exploration and scientific understanding of the Moon. Because the intention is to enhance and broaden the scientific return, investigations submitted by the GRAIL PI and Co-Investigators (Co-I) will not be considered.
Selected Guest Scientists (GSs) will become members of the GRAIL science team and be required to fulfill some of the same responsibilities as those of current science team members. The selected GSs will coordinate their activities and analyses with the GRAIL Mission Project Scientist, Co-Investigators (Co-Is), and NASA Program Scientist, and they will be bound by team agreements.
Notice of Intent due date: August 18, 2011.
Proposal due date: October 12, 2011.
Go to:
select “Solicitations” then “Open Solicitations” then “NNH11ZDA001N”.
Robert Fogel 202-358-2289