Status Report

NASA Genesis Mission Outreach E-News, 53rd Edition April 2004

By SpaceRef Editor
May 3, 2004
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NASA Genesis Mission Outreach E-News, 53rd Edition April 2004

SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2004

Genesis Spacecraft Earth “Flyby” on its Way to L2

On May 2, 2004, at about 10:00 UTC, the Genesis spacecraft will be at a
distance from the Earth of 392,300 km and traveling about 1.26 km/s. You
can input your location, and get the ephemeris at:


Sample Capsule Returns to Earth

The Genesis spacecraft returns to the Earth on September 8, 2004 in a
dramatic mid-air capture.

Days to Earth Return: 130 days

Where is the Genesis Spacecraft Now?
View the simulated position of the Genesis spacecraft. Most images are
updated every 10 minutes.


Spacecraft Locks Vault on its Payload

Since November 2001, NASA’s Genesis spacecraft has exposed specially
designed collector arrays to the Sun’s solar wind. That collection of
pristine particles of the Sun came to an end on April 1, when NASA’s
Genesis team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, ordered
the spacecraft’s collectors deactivated and stowed. The closeout process
was completed when Genesis closed and sealed the spacecraft’s
sample-return capsule.

JPL news release:


Genesis Summer Academies for Teachers

Making a dramatic entrance on September 8, 2004, NASA’s Genesis Sample
Return Capsule (SRC) will return to Earth with an astonishing mid-air
capture over the Utah Test and Training Range. In anticipation of this
exciting teachable moment, the Genesis mission Education and Public
Outreach team will offer multiple opportunities this summer for
classroom learning. Museums, universities, and planetariums will serve
as the hosts for a series of Genesis Summer Academies nationwide.

NASA IDEAS and Genesis Contribute New Science Materials for Students
with Visual Impairments

With funding from the NASA’s IDEAS grant program, Genesis Education and
Public Outreach has partnered with the Colorado School for the Deaf and
Blind to adapt learning materials for students with visual impairments.
The project has developed and pilot tested “Evolving Universe,” a unit
of study focused on the origins of the universe and based on the “Spongy
Universe” activity in the Genesis education module “Cosmogony.”

Science teachers interested in field testing these materials in the fall
should contact Donna Bogner for more information. To access the Adapted
Curriculum Enhancement (ACE) Web site, go to


Thank You Field Test Teachers!

The end of the 2004 school year marks the end of our formal Genesis
education module field testing. Those teachers who are field testing
this year, please return your forms to McREL no later than June 15,
2004. For those teachers who are interested in providing feedback this
spring or next fall, please use the online Education Materials Survey
located at:


Subscription Information

Please forward this e-mail to others interested in NASA missions. NASA’s
Discovery mission Genesis is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
This monthly subscription is offered by the NASA Genesis mission
outreach team at Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning
(McREL ).

If you received this e-news from a friend, you can subscribe here:

SpaceRef staff editor.