Status Report

NASA Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report 6 September 2006

By SpaceRef Editor
October 6, 2006
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Mission: Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO)
Launch Pad: 17-B, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Launch Vehicle: Boeing Delta II
Launch Date: Oct. 25, 2006
Launch Time: 8:38 – 8:53 p.m. EDT

The Delta II second stage was re-erected atop the first stage on Sept. 29. Guidance and control system checks of the launch vehicle were completed on Oct. 4. Today, launch vehicle engineers are performing a simulated flight test. This is an electrical and mechanical flight events test that activates the rocket’s systems as they will occur during powered flight, starting with liftoff and ending with second stage separation. The Flight Program Verification, an integrated test which includes the STEREO spacecraft and upper stage booster, is scheduled for Oct. 16.

STEREO is at the Astrotech Space Operations Facility being prepared for reinstallation into the payload transportation canister on Oct. 9. The twin observatories stacked on top of the upper stage booster will be moved to the launch pad on Oct. 11 and hoisted atop the Boeing Delta II rocket. The payload fairing is scheduled to be installed around STEREO on Oct. 19.

Previous status reports are available on the Web at:

SpaceRef staff editor.