Status Report

NASA Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report 25 May 2007

By SpaceRef Editor
May 29, 2007
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Mission: Dawn
Location: Astrotech Space Operations Facility
Launch Pad: 17-B
Launch Vehicle: Delta II 7925-H
Launch Date: June 30, 2007
Launch Time: 4:50:13 – 5:10:13 p.m. EDT

Solar array installation and deployment tests are scheduled to be completed Friday.

The spacecraft is scheduled to move to the hazardous processing facility on May 28. Xenon for the Ion Propulsion System is scheduled to be loaded aboard June 1-2. Hydrazine, used for spacecraft control and maneuvering, will be loaded aboard June 6.

The Delta II first stage, originally set for hoisting into the launcher on Wednesday, has been rescheduled for May 28 due to high wind conditions at Pad 17-B. This will be followed next week by attachment of the nine solid rocket boosters.

Mission: Phoenix
Location: Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility
Launch Pad: 17-A
Launch Vehicle: Delta II 7925
Launch Date: Aug. 3, 2007
Launch Time: 5:35:18 a.m. EDT

The spacecraft’s flight software will be loaded aboard Friday.

Guidance navigation and control system performance testing is scheduled for May 30-31.

Previous status reports are available on the Web at:

SpaceRef staff editor.