Status Report

NASA ESAS Final Report November 2005: Section 3.0 Ground Rules and Assumptions

By SpaceRef Editor
December 27, 2005
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NASA ESAS Final Report November 2005: Section 3.0 Ground Rules and Assumptions


3. Ground Rules and Assumptions

Editor’s note: several days ago we posted a final (October 2005) draft of this report. We have since come across a complete copy of the final version of the report (November 2005) which has recently been approved by NASA Administrator Michael Griffin. In order to present the most accurate version of this report, we have removed the draft version and replaced it with the final version of the report. NASA is expected to publicly release this report in early January 2006.

At the beginning of the Exploration Systems Architecture Study (ESAS), a number of Ground Rules and Assumptions (GR&As) were established based on management guidance, internal and external constraints, design practices, and existing requirements. The purpose of this section is to summarize those GR&As below.

Table of Contents

This large 50 MB PDF report has been subdivided into 17 PDF files – one for each of the report’s 17 sections. Click on the link at the top of each section to visit a summary page and to download that section.

Editor’s note: several days ago we posted a final (October 2005) draft of this report. We have since come across a complete copy of the final version of the report (November 2005) which has recently been approved by NASA Administrator Michael Griffin. In order to present the most accurate version of this report, we have removed the draft version and replaced it with the final version of the report. NASA is expected to publicly release this report in early January 2006.

SpaceRef staff editor.