Status Report

NASA Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Hurricane Katrina Internal Update Teleconference Notes 11am EDT 2 Sep 2005

By SpaceRef Editor
September 2, 2005
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Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Hurricane Katrina Internal Update Teleconference Notes — 11a EDT 9/2/05

  • Weather Update (out of JSC weather group):
  • Weather better in New Orleans – Showers from Houston to LA, but it’s thunderstorm free in Stennis area

Stennis status:

  • Limited number of phone LAN lines working now
  • First two Liquid Nitrogen trucks from KSC have arrived this morning with more on the way (for the test stands)
  • Trucks don’t have a way to communicate exactly when they’ll arrive so the best way to know arrival is to know when they left KSC
  • Propulsion stands in good shape
  • The three large generators from KSC (along with a fuel tank) are being loaded up for transportation to head to Stennis today
  • Stennis is continuing to keep a list of special medical needs for the center
  • Medical supplies have been sent by air from JSC to Stennis this morning
  • The telemedicine unit vans are headed to Stennis this morning
  • Dr. Williams is coordinating medical efforts, personnel and medical supplies
  • Stennis is asking for a list of aircraft coming into the center and a good way to coordinate it so they can have people there to meet them at the runway – EOC says it will do a better job of keeping track of that now that we have better communications with Stennis
  • Stennis is still looking for a total of 10 new generators (a half dozen or so are on the way) – E-mail service is still very spotty
  • MSFC working to establish a better route
  • Working with FEMA to get some of the people who have taken shelter at Stennis to other locations – That process is just beginning – Stennis will document where these people go
  • We have blue weather tarps, but they need roofing nails and some hammers
  • MSFC will send them today in a truck, along with more tarps
  • Stennis still working on critical skills personnel list – It appears administrative support will be needed – engineers and technicians
  • This includes a list of people who need to be rotated out to get a break
  • Good on fuel now – All that they expected yesterday arrived with more coming from Jacksonville
  • Stennis is still working on a list of all the people who have been sheltering at the center

Michoud status:

  • The docks at Michoud are operations
  • It’s likely they’re run out of potable water (not drinking water) and fuel, but they’re fine for the time being
  • Requesting 50 inflatable camp beds – MSFC will look to buy them and get them to Michoud today
  • Additional perishables coming to Michoud Sunday
  • One paramedic coming from KSC that will go to Michoud
  • Med team is looking to get inoculations for Michoud workers and a doctor on site to do a health assessment for people there
  • 100,000 gallons of diesel on site and there’s a plan to get more when needed
  • 49 of 59 Lockheed Martin employees at Stennis are accounted for – 400 of 2,000 are accounted for from Michoud work force
  • No injuries known at this time
  • Rocketdyne has been able to account for 80 of its 250 employees
  • Michoud reminded EOC that helicopters are the only way to really get people in and out of the facility – EOC reminded people to keep that in mind with helicopters’ schedules

Center EOC status


  • Has a list of jobs needs at the center where displaced Stennis employees can go on TDY – HQ EOC Human Resources will work to get this on the employee web site
  • Top priority is to find locations within other NASA centers where Stennis employees can do their Stennis jobs – If not, then a list of other jobs Stennis employees can do if they can’t do their Stennis jobs somewhere else


  • JSC web site has list of people who have volunteered their homes to displaced employees – MSFC will tap into that list too


  • Liquid Nitrogen will be delivered to Stennis this weekend as well


  • Has workspace for 150 to work remotely and housing
  • Personal hygiene kits to be sent to Stennis
  • HQ EOC keeping master list of employees who have checked in
  • CFO
  • A UPN has been set up
  • Expect to have process in place by next week on travel funding, TDYs, etc.
  • Stennis’ books will be closed today – center CFOs will meet Tuesday
  • Trying to make the financial process for Stennis and Michoud employees easy to do


  • Employee web site is not up yet but will be soon
  • Still need for the web site (and PAO) 800 number for where people need to check in and e-mail address
  • Parsons says we need to make this happen now
  • Streamline requirements for aircraft approval waiver is set up and sent to OICs
  • EOC says NASA aircraft need to stay focused on Mississippi gulf coast
  • EOC web site is
  • The next EOC hurricane recovery update teleconference will take place at 4p EDT today
  • EOC will continue teleconference tagups during the weekend, exact times are TBD
  • EOC Operations
  • They want permanent staffing in EOC (duty hours 8-5p EDT)  — More to come
  • There’s a meeting at 4p today to discuss weekend staffing plans

SpaceRef staff editor.