Status Report

NASA Earth Observatory: What’s New – Week of 31 July 2007

By SpaceRef Editor
August 1, 2007
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NASA Earth Observatory: What’s New – Week of 31 July 2007

New Features:

* Science Blog – Expedition to Siberia

As Earth’s average temperature rises, and most rapidly in the high latitudes, what is happening to the great northern forests of Siberia? Join scientists from NASA and Russia’s Academy of Science on an expedition down the Kochechum River in north-central Siberia as they go in search of answers. You can follow the expedition each day in the Earth Observatory’s first-ever science blog.

In the News:

* Latest Images:

* NASA News

  • It’s Not Your Father’s Earth Science Class!
  • Teacher Partners with NASA for Cloud Research
  • New NASA AIRS Data to Aid Weather, Climate Research

* Media Alerts

  • Atlantic Hurricane Frequency Doubles
  • New Clues to Ozone Depletion
  • Ozone Reduces Plant Growth, Adds to Global Warming

* Headlines from the press, radio, and television:

  • Gulf Coast “Dead Zone” Still Large
  • Hurricane Boost ‘Due to Warm Sea’
  • Earth’s Crust is Just Like Pizza Dough
  • Iodine Enters the Climate-Change Mix
  • Underground ‘Snowy River’ Alive Again
  • ‘Space Arrow’ to Map Earth’s Tug
  • Stronger Hurricanes Mean Whopper Waves
  • UK Forecasts to Zoom in on Towns
  • Possible Mud Volcano Erupts Near Trinidad
  • Measuring The Retreat History Of Alpine Glaciers
  • Major Quake, Tsunami Likely in Middle East, Study Finds
  • Erosion May Send Alaska Oil Wells into the Ocean
  • Nevada has Big Temperature Gains
  • Ozone has ‘Strong Climate Effect’
  • The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly in the Plain. Or Does It?
  • Tibet is Warming at Twice Global Average
  • Earthquake “Swarm” Strikes Africa
  • Humans ‘Affect Global Rainfall’
  • Mysteries of Antarctic Mountains Revealed

SpaceRef staff editor.