Status Report

NASA Earth Observatory: What’s New – Week of 17 July 2007

By SpaceRef Editor
July 28, 2007
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Earlier Earth Observatory Updates

The latest from NASA’s Earth Observatory (17 July 2007)

In the News:

* Latest Images:

Heat Wave in the Western United States

Flooding in Coffeyville, Kansas

Typhoon Man-Yi

Hokkaido, Japan

North Slope of Alaska

Texas Greenup

Algae in Great Salt Lake

Ice Jams the Ob River

* NASA News

  • – Hot, Dry Conditions Spark Wildfires

* Media Alerts

  • Volcanic Mudflow Witnessed in New Zealand
  • Plants Learned to Respond to Changing Environments
  • Faults’ Structure May Dampen Earthquakes
  • Melting Ice Drives Polar Bear Mothers to Land
  • Changing Climate will Challenge Northeast Agriculture
  • Invisible Gases Form Most Organic Haze
  • Ancient DNA Reveals Greenland’s Warm Past
  • Global Warming is Evaporating Arctic Ponds
  • Urban Growth and Changing Rainfall Patterns Linked

* Headlines from the press, radio, and television:

  • China Says Climate Change Drying Up Major Rivers
  • Warming May Bring Hurricanes to Mediterranean
  • Iowa Farmers Look to Trap Carbon in Soil
  • Safer Shipping by Predicting Sand Wave Behavior
  • Drought Threatens Navajo’s Crops, Culture
  • Changing Climate Will Challenge Northeast Agriculture
  • Scientists Get Front Row Seats to Rapid Mudflow
  • Fragmented Structure of Seafloor Faults May Dampen Earthquakes
  • Soft Corals “Melting” Due to Warming Seas
  • Deep Volcanic Fizz Forces Earth to Burp
  • Coral Shuffle Helps Reefs Survive Warmer World
  • Experts Plan Rating System for El Niño
  • How Plants Learned To Respond To Changing Environments
  • China’s Tianshan Glaciers Shrinking Fast
  • Northeast Faces Flood Risks from Global Warming
  • Texas Goes Green after Record Rainfall
  • Java Landslide Launched 2006 Tsunami
  • ‘No Sun Link’ to Climate Change
  • Ancient Culture Prompts Worry for Arid Southwest

SpaceRef staff editor.