Status Report

NASA Earth Observatory: What’s New – Week of 10 July 2007

By SpaceRef Editor
July 28, 2007
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Earlier Earth Observatory Updates

The latest from NASA’s Earth Observatory (10 July 2007)

In the News:

* Latest Images:

Ice Jams the Ob River

Fires Across the Western United States

Maracaibo City and Oil Slick, Venezuela

Chilean Lake Disappears

Dust Reduces Snow Cover in the San Juans

Atmospheric Temperature Trends, 1979-2005

Floods in Southeastern Australia

Logging in Northern Republic of Congo

* NASA News

  • – Satellites Capture Images of Devastating Midwest Flood

* Media Alerts

  • New Undersea Images Challenge Ideas About the Antarctic Ice Sheet
  • Major New Scientific Research Initiative Launched at Biosphere 2
  • Scientists to Search Tropical Skies for Answers on Climate Change, Ozone Loss
  • New Tool Determines Landslide Risk in Tropics
  • Desert Droughts Lead to Earlier Annual Mountain Snow Loss
  • Why a Rocky Mountain High?

* Headlines from the press, radio, and television:

  • Thousands of New Volcanoes Revealed Beneath the Waves
  • Cows That Burp Less Seen Helping in Climate Fight
  • Barra Could Head South as Climate Change Hits
  • Heat Wave Fuels Western Wildfires
  • Honey, We Shrunk the Earth
  • Strong Earthquake Strikes Mexico
  • So You Think It’s Hot? Southwest to Sizzle for 90 Years
  • New Ice Core Reveals 800,000 Years of Climate History
  • Ancient Humans in Asia Survived Super-Eruption
  • DNA Test Indicates Very Green Greenland
  • Drought Saps the Southeast, and Its Farmers
  • Thanks a Lot! Bugs Help Invasive Weeds Win
  • West African Climate Change Bests Nomads
  • Monster Icebergs Left Deep Scratch Marks on Seabed
  • Niger’s Trees May Be Insurance Against Drought
  • Study Says Erosion Slicing Arctic Alaska Habitat
  • Study: Hurricanes May Aid Stressed Coral
  • Satellite Images Reveal Link Between Urban Growth and Rainfall Patterns
  • Global Warming Drying Up Ancient Arctic Ponds

* New Research Highlights

SpaceRef staff editor.