Status Report

NASA Deputy Administrator Shana Dale’s Blog: INKSNA

By SpaceRef Editor
April 28, 2008
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Briefings with congressional staff continue after the Administration cleared language to amend the Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act (P.L. 109-112). Portions of that law adopted in 2005, prohibit “extraordinary payments” both “in cash” and “in kind” from the U.S. Government to the Russian Government, Roscosmos, and entities under Roscosmos’ authority for the International Space Station (ISS). In 2005, Congress provided an exception for ISS purchases and barters through December 31, 2011.

The U.S. will have no U.S. crew transport or rescue capability after the Shuttle retires in 2010, until a new U.S. vehicle is operational (NASA’s Orion or future U.S. commercial crew transport and rescue capability). Until then, we will continue to need to be able to acquire use of Soyuz vehicles. In addition, there are certain limited goods and services where Russia offers unique capabilities, such as sustaining engineering support that we will continue to need to purchase from Russia. The lead-time for contract negotiations and subsequent production is very significant, over three years, thus the need for Congress to pass this amendment as soon as possible this year.

SpaceRef staff editor.