Status Report

NASA Cancellation of Participating Scientist Program for Mars InSight Mission

By SpaceRef Editor
December 28, 2015
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NASA Cancellation of Participating Scientist Program for Mars InSight Mission

ROSES-15 Amendment 38 announces the cancellation of the Participating Scientist Program (PSP) for the Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) Mission.

This amendment cancels the PSP due to the suspension of InSight’s March 2016 launch. Please see:

NASA will evaluate the path forward for the InSight mission, and the re-issuance of this opportunity in a future ROSES solicitation will be part of that evaluation.

This Amendment is posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at:

and will appear on the RSS feed at:

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to:

Robert A. Fogel at

SpaceRef staff editor.