Status Report

NASA Call for Reviewers: Education Opportunities in NASA STEM 2018 (EONS-2018)

By SpaceRef Editor
March 30, 2018
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NASA Research and Education Support Services (NRESS) is seeking
persons willing to serve as peer reviewers for two progr
am elements listed under Education Opportunities in NASA STEM 2018 (EONS-2018):
Minority University Research and Education Project
(MUREP) Aerospace Academy (MAA)
Minority University Research and Education Project
(MUREP) Innovations in Space Technology Curriculum (MISTC)
Information about these opportunities can be found on their respective pages (MAA and MISTC)
in the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (
review is a critical component of the decision-making process for
awarding projects. By engaging individuals with different backgrounds,
perspectives and
areas of expertise in the review process, your participation will
assist in identifying high-quality projects.
will be selected based on the subject matter of the proposals received.
Therefore your willingness to participate in this particular peer
review does
not guarantee selection. Your information will be recorded for future
requests for reviewers. If you are selected, you will be notified via
email, with detailed instructions on the process.
peer review process is completed in two stages. First, the proposals
are reviewed individually and anonymously online. Next, a 2-3 day panel
will convene
(either in-person or virtually) to discuss the proposals and identify
those recommended for funding.
are approximately 15-20 pages in length and every effort is made to
assign no more than 5 proposals per online reviewer.
servant online reviewers will receive $75 for each proposal fully
reviewed and submitted in NSPIRES prior to the close of the review
Non-civil servant panelists will receive a $200/per day honorarium.
Please respond by April 10, 2018 to
the questions below and thank you in advance.
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Are you registered in NSPIRES?
NSPIRES registration is REQUIRED to participate in the review process.
you are already registered in NSPIRES, take a moment to verify that
your NSPIRES account is current, and corresponds with the information
you provide below.
If you are interested in serving as a reviewer, and are not already
registered in NSPIRES, please do so immediately by clicking 
Provide your contact information as it appears/will appear in NSPIRES.
Full name, Organization, Department, Position / Title, Email address(es), Phone number(s)
What is your Organization/Affiliation type?
 College or University (If a Minority Serving Institution, please identify category: __________________)
 Other Government Agency (Please identify: __________________________________________________)
 Industry
 Company/Private Sector
 Non-Profit
 Museum
 NASA Center or Facility (Please identify: __________________________________________________)
 NASA Support Organizations (Please identify: __________________________________________________)
 Other (Please identify: ___________________________________________)
Have you ever served as a NASA online reviewer? (If yes, please identify when.)
Have you ever served as a NASA panel reviewer? (If yes, please identify when.)
Which role(s) will you be able to serve? [include all that apply]
 Online reviewer for MAA
 Online reviewer for MISTC
 Panel reviewer for MAA
 Panel reviewer for MISTC
The following information will help us match you with appropriate proposals.
What is your Primary Field of Expertise? [include all that apply]
 Astronomy
 Astrophysics
 Biology
 Chemistry
 Computer Science
 Earth Science
 Education (K-12)
 Education (College/University)
 Education (Informal)
 Engineering
 Environmental Science
 Material Science
 Project Evaluation
 Physics
 Robotics
 Space Science
 Systems Engineering
 Other
What is your Specialization? [include all that apply]
 Aerosol Loading / Particulates
 Alloys
 Astrophysics
 Automation
 Avionics
 Biology
 Biomimicry systems
 Ceramics
 Chemistry
 Cloud Formation
 Combustion
 Communications
 Computational
 Computer Science
 Computer Modeling
 Diagnostics
 DNA Based Biosensors
 Earth Science
 Earth Systems
 Electronics
 Energy Sources
 Energy Storage
 Engineering
 Environmental Science Fabrication
 Fluid Dynamics
 Fuel Cells
 High-energy Astronomy
 Icing
 Landing Systems
 Launch Systems
 Life Support
 Machine Learning
 Manufacturing
 Material Science
 Microgravity Effects
 Nanotechnology
 Navigation
 Physics
 Power Transmission
 Prognostics
 Project Evaluation
 Propulsion / Propellant
 Recycle Systems
 Re-entry Systems
 Robotics
 Sensor Design
 Shielding Design / Materials
 Small Spacecraft
 Software Development
 Solar Cells
 Space Science
 Star Formation
 System Design
 Systems Engineering
 Systems
 Thermodynamics
 Vehicle Design
 Other:
provide any other information that may be helpful to match you with
most appropriate proposals. You may also attach your curriculum vitae
If you have any problems with registration or accessing a current account, contact the NSPIRES Help Desk at (202) 479-9376, or by email at
The Help Desk should ALWAYS be your first line of communication if you encounter any issues with NSPIRES.
If you have any questions, please email
Please share this with any colleagues who may be interested in serving as reviewers.


SpaceRef staff editor.