NASA Call for Peer Review Panelists: MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grants
NASA Research and Education Support Services (NRESS) is seeking persons willing to serve as peer reviewers for the MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant program element listed under Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM 2020(EONS-2020). Information about the opportunity, proposal requirements and evaluation criteria can be found on the M-STAR Planning Grantpage in the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES).
A virtual panel will be held June 30 – July 2, 2020 to discuss the submitted proposals and identify those recommended for funding. Each proposal is approximately 10 pages in length and every effort will be made to assign no more than 5 proposals to each panelist.
Non-civil servant panelists will receive a $200/per day honorarium.
If you are interested in serving as a virtual panelist, please complete the information below and send it to by June 24, 2020.
Thank you.
Tamra Ross
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NOTE: Your willingness to participate in this panel review does not guarantee your selection. Panelists will be selected based on the subject matter of the proposals received. You will be contacted, only if you are selected to participate.
1. Provide your contact information as it appears/will appear in NSPIRES.
Full name, Organization, Department, Position/Title, Email address(es), Phone number(s)
2. If you work for a Minority Serving Institution, please identify classification (HBCU, TCU, HSI, AANAPISI etc.)
3. Have you ever served as an online reviewer for a NASA opportunity?
4. Have you ever served as a panelist for a NASA opportunity?
5. What is your Primary Field of Expertise?
6. Please provide any other information that may be helpful to match you with most appropriate proposals. You may also attach your curriculum vitae (CV).
NSPIRES registration is REQUIRED to participate in the review process.
If you are not registered in NSPIRES, please do so immediately. Go to the NSPIRES website, and click the blue ‘Create an Account’ button in the upper right corner of the page.
If you are already registered in NSPIRES, take a moment to verify that your NSPIRES account is current, and corresponds with the information you provided above.