Status Report

NASA Astrobiology Standards of Evidence Workshop

By SpaceRef Editor
April 14, 2021
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Dear Colleagues,
The NFoLD and NExSS research coordination networks are hosting a joint virtual workshop on biosignature standards of evidence and reporting protocols, hosted over 3 days spanning July 19-22, 2021. Workshop attendees will discuss the process needed to increase scientific confidence in biosignature detections, and how to best convey this continuum of confidence to a broader audience. The workshop will also initiate a discussion on community biosignature detection reporting protocols. The overall goal of the workshop will be to produce community guidelines for biosignature detection, which will be submitted for publication.  Attendance is open to the broader scientific research, publishing and journalism communities. More information on how to apply to attend the workshop will be available on or before April 30th.
Victoria Meadows (NExSS) and Heather Graham (NFoLD)

SpaceRef staff editor.