Status Report

NASA ARC Memo: Message from the Director – Alternative Models of Organization

By SpaceRef Editor
March 10, 2005
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Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 18:30:39 -0800

To: (Recipient list suppressed)

From: Centerwide Announcement

Reply-To: Centerwide Announcement

Subject: Message from the Director – Alternative Models of Organization

TO: Resident Staff

FROM: G. Scott Hubbard, Center Director

SUBJECT: Message from the Director – Alternative Models of Organization

There have been key initiatives and studies conducted over the past year related to alternate models of organization for the NASA field centers. The President’s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy recommended last summer that NASA examine a transition to alternate models of organization for the NASA field centers, indicating that federally funded research and development centers might be an alternative. In addition, the NASA Organization Model and Evaluation Team (NOMET) that was created as a result of the President’s Commission also recommended several models for the Centers to evaluate for organizing to meet the Vision for Space Exploration.

Specifically related to Ames, the NOMET team concluded that the University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) was potentially a good first step toward an operating model, and that other models may also be applicable for a NASA R&D Center and should continue to be explored. NASA Senior Leadership recently supported these recommendations and informed NASA Ames that further consideration and review should be conducted at the Center level to pursue these other models and provide the analysis and possibly a proposal for transformation to the recently formed Institutional Realignment and Transformation Team (IRTT). The IRTT will integrate results of Agency teams, Centers and Mission Directorates to develop an Agency-wide perspective and plans on institutional realignment and transformation.

Accordingly, Ames is establishing a small group to work and coordinate with NASA Headquarters and the IRTT on a plan to meet the recommendations of these various efforts. The objective of this team will be to review all the recommendations and analysis of these efforts including the Request for Information (RFI) submittals that industry and academia made pertaining to Ames and provide specific implementation strategies to our senior leadership.

The Ames findings and recommendations will be reported through the Science Mission Directorate to the IRTT over the next couple of months. Any specific decisions and/or recommendations of this group will be coordinated with our employees and stakeholders at the earliest extent possible. Thanks for your patience and support.

SpaceRef staff editor.