Status Report

NASA ARC Memo: Message from the Center Director: The Great Worden Quake of ’07

By SpaceRef Editor
March 12, 2007
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Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 11:25:29 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Centerwide Announcement
Subject: Message from the Center Director – The Great Worden Quake of 07

Message from the Center Director
The Great Worden Quake of 07

On Friday, May 11, 2007, you will feel the earth shake under your feet. This quake will not be of the wimpy magnitude of quakes that we have experienced over the last several months. This will be a quake of considerable magnitude; this quake will make the Loma Prieta Quake seem like a minor fender bender. This quake will rival the San Francisco Quake of 1906. You can expect much gnashing of teeth, death and devastation, plague and pestilence, horror beyond imagination*. well, you get the idea.

The May 11 exercise will be Ames Research Center’s first ever Center-wide, all-hands, earthquake drill. The exercise, dubbed the Great Worden Quake of ’07, (no, I did not select the name) will be a several hour event for most of you and an all day event for many of you. This is a rare opportunity for all of us. This exercise is an order of magnitude greater than any of the previous disaster exercises that we have conducted at Ames in the past. It is my belief that we will all learn a lot, not only from a Center perspective, but also from a personal perspective.

In order for our Ames community to fully benefit from this exercise, it is my expectation that Ames personnel make a reasonable effort to be at the Center and participate in this exercise.

An exercise of this enormity requires volunteers. We need approximately 60 individuals who would be willing to be victims, members of the support staff, or exercise evaluators. Additional volunteers will be requested the day of the exercise. If you are willing to volunteer, please send an e-mail to Bob Dolci at Robert.J.Dolci@ by March 12. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated.

More information about this exercise will be forthcoming over the next months. You will also receive some earthquake-related training prior to the event.

I’m looking forward to participating with you on the 11th.

S. Pete Worden
Center Director

SpaceRef staff editor.