NASA ARC Memo: Do Not Access Public Web Sites Containing Classified Information
Subject: Do Not Access Public Web Sites Containing Classified Information
From: Centerwide Announcement
Date: Monday, December 6, 2010
TO: Resident Staff
FROM: Deborah L. Feng, Director, Center Operations
SUBJECT: Do Not Access Public Web Sites Containing Classified Information
NASA Headquarters’ Office of Protective Services has asked that each Center Director remind employees that although WikiLeaks has released information to the public through several media forums, the information remains classified and should not be downloaded, accessed, copied or retransmitted utilizing Government IT resources or equipment. Executive Order 13526 states that classified information isn’t automatically declassified following an unauthorized disclosure. This means that even classified information leaked all over the Internet and other media is technically still considered “classified.” It remains classified until it is officially declassified by the appropriate/designated government official. This is especially important for those of us that hold a security clearance.
Individuals with a security clearance have agreed to certain restrictions regarding classified information. Accessing classified information on Wikileaks, even from home, constitutes a security violation. Viewing classified information from a computer that isn’t authorized to access classified information, and/or viewing classified information that he or she is not authorized access to, is a security violation. And, use of official Government computers for other than authorized purposes is prohibited by federal ethics laws.
I encourage all employees to review NPR 1600.1, NASA Security Program Procedural Requirements w/Change (04/01/2009), and NPR 2810.1A, NASA Information Security Policy.
Please contact Ken Silverman, Center Chief of Security, or George Reyes, Information Security Specialist, if you have any questions regarding access to or disclosure of protected information.