NASA ARC Internal Memo: Travel Voucher Delinquency Policy
Date: Friday, August 10, 2007
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Centerwide Announcement
Subject: Travel Voucher Delinquency Policy
TO: Staff
FROM: Paul Agnew, Chief Financial Officer
SUBJECT: Travel Voucher Delinquency Policy
ARC Travel Card Policy: Travelers who have a past due amount on their travel cards for 60 or more days, or whose accounts are 30 days past due with a past due amount over $5,000, will be prevented from traveling on behalf of Ames Research Center until their past due travel card balances have been paid. This policy is intended to help improve the agency’s high delinquency rate, as well as prevent negative impacts to Ames travelers’ personal credit rating.
Note: Recognizing extended TDY travelers often have extenuating circumstances, their past due accounts will be reviewed on a case by case basis, prior to preventing any future travel. Also, the Delinquent Travel Card policy will be revisited at fiscal year end to account for the financial system downtime and any delay in travel voucher payments.
ARC Travel Voucher Policy: To ensure timely payment of travel card bills, any employee who has three or more unsubmitted travel vouchers, or who has any single unsubmitted travel voucher 30 days or older, will be prevented from traveling on behalf of Ames Research Center until the vouchers have been either submitted or otherwise cleared from the Travel Manager system. The Ames Travel Office will not approve any travel authorizations, and CI Travel will not ticket any reservations, that are not in accordance with this policy.
Employees who need training on how to create their vouchers in Travel Manager should call ext. 4-2000. Travel Office personnel will be available to assist.
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