NASA ARC Internal Memo: Reminder to NASA Equipment Users that Deadline is Aug. 31, 200
From: Centerwide Announcement
Date: Aug 22, 2007 8:01 PM
Subject: Reminder to NASA Equipment Users that Deadline is Aug. 31, 2007
To: Resident Staff
From: Lewis S.G. Braxton III, Director, Center Operations
Subject: Reminder to NASA Equipment Users that Deadline is Aug. 31, 2007
Ames has re-instated the equipment User Validation System in order to validate the equipment data in the NASA Equipment Management System (NEMS) database in preparation for the upcoming audit of NASA-held property, plant and equipment (PP&E) by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and for the implementation of the Agency’s Integrated Asset Management (IAM) module.
As part of this process, Ames personnel are requested to validate the accuracy of their NEMS records via the on-line Ames equipment User Validation System, which has been developed and prescribed to help us accomplish this task. In addition, the User Validation process now requires acceptance of user responsibility and accountability in compliance with the NASA Procedural Requirement (NPR) 4200.1F, NASA Equipment Management Manual.
To access the User Validation System, log on to, and select the Equipment User Validation link. Follow the on-screen directions, and view the HELP screens within the application for more information.
Each user can do any of the following in the system:
– Validate records for their own equipment
– Indicate that equipment is in a different location
– Indicate that equipment has been assigned to a different user
– Indicate that equipment has been assigned to another organization
– Indicate that equipment has been disposed/excessed
– Indicate if any other changes have been made to the equipment
– Fill out an on-line form for any changes and email it to their equipment specialists
Please note however that the changes submitted by the user in the Equipment User Validation System will not automatically change the NEMS data. The user’s cognizant equipment specialist will need to make those changes to NEMS using information provided by the user in the Equipment User Validation System.
On July 23, 2007, the subject system was activated for NEMS data (as of July 20, 2007) validation. We need your assistance in ensuring the Ames NEMS data is completely validated no later than Aug. 31, 2007.
For system help, please call ext. 4-2000, or send an e-mail to
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