Status Report

NASA ARC Internal Memo: Position Description Review

By SpaceRef Editor
May 20, 2005
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NASA ARC Internal Memo: Position Description Review

Date: Thu, 19 May 2005
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Centerwide Announcement
Subject: Position Description Review

TO: Staff

FROM: Maureen Sarjeant, Acting Chief, Human Resources Division

SUBJECT: Position Description Review

The Human Resources (HR) Division has initiated a Center-wide position description (PD) review that will take place during the months of May and June. Supervisors are encouraged to make the PD review a part of the performance planning activity that is happening at this time.

A position description is required for every civil service employee and is the basis for some personnel actions. Although no decision has been made to conduct a reduction in force (RIF), accurate PD’s provide the basis for many determinations in the RIF process. The PD should describe the major duties, the knowledge and skills required to perform the duties and job responsibilities, and the organizational relationships of the position. It also serves as the official record of the classification and grade of the job.

We recommend that supervisors involve the employees in the review process. Management will make the final decisions on what is required of the job, subject to applicable rules and regulations concerning position classification. Employees will receive a copy of their final PD, if updated.

More information about the Position Description Review and “Tips for Writing Position Descriptions” may be found on the Human Resources Transformation website at:

We ask for your cooperation in this process. If you have any concerns, please feel free to discuss them with your supervisor or the member of the Human Resources PD review team for your Directorate as shown:

Codes J and D: Rosalyn Jung, Ext 4-5609
Codes S and C: Camilla Perez, Ext 4-0522
Codes E, H and T: Joy Murphy, Ext 4-3415
Codes P and Q: Thomasa Nguyen, Ext 4-3794
Code A: Jim Ross, Ext 4-6722

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SpaceRef staff editor.