Status Report

NASA ARC Internal Memo: Message from the Director – Change is Underway

By SpaceRef Editor
January 18, 2006
Filed under ,

From: Centerwide Announcement []
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 3:57 PM
To: Recipient list suppressed
Subject: Message from the Director – Change is Underway

Message from the Director
Change is Underway

My dear friends at Ames Research Center,

It has been a pleasure to be your colleague for the past 18 years and the Center Director since 2002. We have weathered some hard times together and had many great successes as well. Now it is time for a new direction.

As is often the case when there is any change of Administration, the new leader wants his own team. In discussions with Mike Griffin before the holidays, we agreed that the future of Ames should be set by a Center Director of the Administrator’s choosing.

Shortly, I will be announcing my personal plans for the future. For now let me simply say that I think you – the staff of Ames Research Center – represent the best of the best. I have been proud to call you my friends. Thank you all for your help and dedication.

G. Scott Hubbard
Center Director

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