NASA ARC Internal Memo: Message from the Center Director – Center Management Update

Subject: Message from the Center Director – Center Management Update
From: Centerwide Announcement
Date: Friday, August 8, 2008
Message from the Center Director
Center Management Update
Effective immediately, Marvin “Chris” Christensen is now the Special Assistant to the Center Director, working as an adviser on a number of centerwide issues. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Chris for his leadership and service to the agency. Chris can be reached in building 555 at Mail Stop 555-3. His phone number remains (650) 604-2154.
Lewis Braxton III is the acting Deputy Center Director. Chris and Lew will ensure there is a smooth transition of duties. Lew can be reached in building 200 at Mail Stop 200-1. His phone number is (650) 604-5068.
Steve Zornetzer remains in his role as Associate Center Director, concentrating on technology development and research. Contact information remains the same.
Yvonne Pendleton will be returning to Ames and supporting the center in the role of Deputy Associate Center Director for Institutions and Research.
Deborah Feng is the Acting Director for the Center Operations Directorate. Lew and Deb will ensure a smooth transition of work as well. Deb has the same phone contact with new Mail Stop 200-9.
S. Pete Worden
Center Director