NASA ARC Internal Memo: Maintaining Technical Excellence through Publications

Subject: Message from the Center Director Reminder – Maintaining Technical Excellence through Publications
From: Centerwide Announcement
Date: Friday, August 15, 2008
Message from the Center Director Reminder – Maintaining Technical Excellence through Publications
As we continue to focus and move along our path of aligning our mission and work with the strategic needs of the agency, I am convinced that we need to maintain and strengthen our reputation as a research and development center. Part of our reputation is based on technical papers in journals, NASA Tech Reports, or other publications by our staff members.
We must maintain a strong push to publish quality technical articles that are aligned with our mission, and advance the center’s reputation as a premier research center. Research and development that leads to published papers is also part of a scientist’s or engineer’s continued development. To further enhance the technical capability of our center, it is my goal to continue to develop all staff members to the greatest degree possible. The agency, our customers, and the general public are counting on us to continue our long tradition of Research and Development (R&D), innovation, and leadership.
Given this intention, it is my expectation that every technical staff member will publish at least one refereed publication every two (2) years. To this end, all scientists and engineers may spend up to ten (10) percent of their time engaged in work that will lead to the publication and/or presentation of materials in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. There will, of course, be exceptions as dictated by mission-critical project deadlines and milestones. Efforts in this area will be considered relative to promotions, development opportunities, and awards.
Each employee is encouraged to work with their supervisor to determine the appropriate activities and level of effort for this work. Approved publishing activities are considered part of normal professional duties, contribute to the maintenance of professional credentials, and enhance knowledge and skills needed to support current and future agency mission objectives. (For questions pertaining to the appropriate Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) numbers to use in WebTads, please see your immediate supervisor).
S. Pete Worden
Center Director