Status Report

NASA ARC Internal Memo: Increased WiFi Access

By SpaceRef Editor
December 15, 2006
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Editor’s note: The cost of the WiFi was totally borne by Golf Course profits. No tax dollars were involved.

Date: Fri Dec 15 2006
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Centerwide Announcement
Subject: Message from the Center Director – WiFi and
Coffee: Advances at the Center

Message from the Center Director – WiFi and Coffee Available at Tee Minus 1

I am pleased to inform you that we now have wi-fi at the Tee Minus 1 Golf Course Clubhouse! Advanced Wireless Communication (AWC), a NASA Research Park partner, coordinated the installation of the service in less than 2 1/2 hours.

And that’s not all: Within the next two weeks, we will be installing a super automatic espresso/cappuccino machine at Tee Minus 1 Grill. Our trained baristas will soon be delighting all you specialty coffee connoisseurs in the Ames community!

Let me emphasize that the wi-fi at the clubhouse is NOT part of the NASA network! Be aware that all network traffic between your laptop and the Tee Minus One wi-fi service is UN-ENCRYPTED, so you will need to take steps to ensure the level of security required by NASA. You can find information on how to secure your NASA laptop when connecting to non-NASA networks at the following link:

I hope you enjoy these new amenities at Tee Minus One.

S. Pete Worden
Center Director

SpaceRef staff editor.