NASA ARC Internal Memo: FY2009 Buyout/Early Out Opportunity Now Open
Subject: FY2009 Buyout/Early Out Opportunity Now Open
From: Centerwide Announcement
Date: Friday, November 7, 2008
TO: Staff
FROM: Janice Fried, Director, Human Capital
SUBJECT: FY2009 Buyout/Early Out Opportunity Now Open
Ames is offering voluntary separation incentives (buyouts) and voluntary early out retirement to employees in selected competencies. An employee does not have to be eligible for early or full retirement to take advantage of the buyout authority; eligible employees who resign can also receive a buyout. Supervisors will give eligible employees a notification letter prepared by the Office of Human Capital as expeditiously as possible. The letter will include a Buyout/Early Out application. If you do not receive a letter, then your position is not included in a category of positions that is eligible. All eligible employees, up to the applicable authorized number, who are in the designated competencies are eligible for buyout. The following employee categories are not included:
– Term, temporary, or other non-permanent employees;
– employees who have not been continuously employed by the Federal Government for at least 3 years and by NASA since June 16, 2008;
– employees who are re-employed annuitants;
– employees who have a disability on the basis of which the employee would be eligible for a disability retirement;
– employees who have previously received a buyout under any authority;
– employees who have received a specific notice of involuntary separation for misconduct or unacceptable performance;
– employees who during the 24-month period preceding the date of separation of that employee, performed service for which a recruitment or relocation bonus was or is to be paid; or
– employees during the 12-month period preceding the date of separation of that employee, performed service for which a retention bonus was or is to be paid.
Buyout Application Period
The buyout application period begins November 7, 2008 and will continue through 4:30 p.m., Friday, December 19, 2008. Acceptances/Rejections will be issued each Monday for applications received by the close of business on the preceding Friday. Although we expect that all interested persons can be accommodated, the number of opportunities is limited and varies by occupation and organization.
Employees can review the eligible position competencies on the HR website at Employees can also consult their HR Manager or supervisor about eligibility questions. If the number of interested persons in the same subgroup exceeds the allocated authority for that subgroup, prioritization will be done in accordance with the Record of Negotiation with the Union. It is imperative that eligible employees apply for the buyout in a timely manner by completing the application form (available on the HR website) and personally delivering it to the Benefits Office, Building 241, Room 145.
The NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) is the agency’s center for the preparation of retirement/resignation processing. To ensure that there is adequate time to answer all your questions, and to prepare the necessary retirement/resignation materials, it is strongly recommended that you contact the NSSC as soon as possible. You can obtain benefits assistance by calling 1-877-677-2123 or by email
Buyout and Early Out Separation Date
Employees may separate at any time after receiving notification of acceptance of their application up to January 3, 2009. In rare instances where programmatic needs mandate that a specific employee stay beyond the January 3, 2009, deadline, specific individual extension requests must be made by the organization director and sent to the appropriate HR manager for approval coordination through the center director and NASA Headquarters.
Buyout Amount and Restrictions
Employees eligible and accepted for this buyout and who voluntarily leave NASA through resignation or retirement will receive a buyout equal to their calculated severance pay entitlement, up to a maximum of $25,000. A fact sheet on retirement eligibility and the formula to calculate the buyout amount is available on the HR website.
Employees can access preliminary benefits and retirement estimates by going to the Employee Express website at
If you have any questions about your eligibility for a buyout and/or early out, please contact your HR Manager.
If you would like to respond to this memo electronically, you may do so by double-clicking on the following: