NASA ARC Internal Memo; Aircraft Use at NASA Ames Moffett Airfield
Date: Thursday, September 13, 2007
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Centerwide Announcement
Subject: Aircraft Use at NASA Ames Moffett Airfield
To: All Ames Employees
From: S. Pete Worden, Center Director
Subject: Aircraft Use at NASA Ames Moffett Airfield
You may have seen stories recently in the news media regarding agreements between NASA Ames and the principals of Google to operate aircraft out of Moffett field. Here are the facts:
On August 1, 2007, NASA entered into an agreement with H211, LLC, a California limited liability company, to use the NASA Ames Moffett Federal Airfield on a non-exclusive basis.
Ames receives significant revenue from this agreement, which allows our Earth Sciences Division to place instruments on the aircraft to collect atmospheric and terrestrial observations in support of science research and analysis.
The agreement benefits local communities and complements NASA’s mission. It also assists NASA Ames in offsetting the cost of airfield operations and allows collaboration on valid scientific research that supports the agency’s programs.
While there will be additional takeoffs and landings at Moffett because of this agreement, the total number of flights in and out of airfield will remain within the level approved by the Moffett Field Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Not everyone can nor should use this airfield. NASA has specific criteria to determine who can partner with us and whether they may use their aircraft at Moffett. All requests by a private entity undergo a rigorous review process and every request must demonstrate a relationship to NASA missions. NASA has specific authorization for enhanced use leasing of this type at only two facilities, NASA Ames and NASA Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Both centers allow limited private sector use of their airfields under strict guidelines.
We are communicating with the communities in Silicon Valley-our neighbors-and are committed to working with them so that everyone understands the critical role these partnerships play in keeping Moffett Field operating as a valued asset.
If you have any questions, contact Lewis Braxton, Director of Center Operations at ext. 4-5068.