Status Report

NASA Announces Return to Flight Web and Launch Coverage

By SpaceRef Editor
July 7, 2005
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NASA Announces Return to Flight Web and Launch Coverage

NASA is featuring a prelaunch webcast and extensive launch day coverage of the Space Shuttle Discovery’s Return to Flight mission (STS-114). Prelaunch coverage starts at 2:30 p.m. EDT, July 10, and the launch is at 3:51 p.m. EDT, Wednesday, July 13.

The prelaunch webcast, schedules and mission coverage are available on the Web at:

The prelaunch webcast features an overview of Discovery’s mission to the International Space Station. It will include interviews; question-and-answer sessions with NASA experts about the Shuttle’s safety upgrades; essential Space Station payloads carried on Discovery; and space flight from an astronaut’s perspective.

Live launch coverage begins at 10 a.m. EDT, July 13. NASA will update its Virtual Launch Control Center during launch countdown coverage. NASA portal coverage of the mission includes webcasts of all NASA TV coverage, updated status reports, features and personality profiles. The media resources section contains detailed information about the mission, including safety improvements to the Shuttle.


– 2:30 p.m. EDT, Sunday, July 10: “STS-114: Mission Webcast” is available at:

– Return to Flight Prelaunch Webcast Participants:

  • KSC Director Jim Kennedy opens with an introduction to the Return to Flight mission.
  • Stephanie Stilson, NASA vehicle manager for Discovery, hosts the program focusing on processing and readiness.
  • Kathy Winters, Space Shuttle Launch weather officer, gives a forecast of the weather conditions for launch day.
  • Scott Higginbotham, International Space Station/Payload Processing manager, explains what payloads are and how they are readied for space flight.
  • Kay Hire, NASA astronaut, shares her personal stories about space flight and answers viewer’s questions.

– 10 a.m. EDT, Wednesday, July 13:

Coverage features real-time updates during the countdown and streaming video clips of significant events. All videos are provided in Real Video format. Live countdown coverage from the Virtual Launch Control Center is available at:

For more information about Return to Flight Web events, contact Dennis Armstrong at: 321/867-2468.

For information about NASA and agency programs on the Web, visit:


SpaceRef staff editor.