Status Report

NASA and SpaceGAMBIT Sign Space Act Agreement

By SpaceRef Editor
March 26, 2014
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On February 13 2014, NASA Ames and the Hackerspace Space Program (SpaceGAMBIT) signed a Space Act Agreement to promote, foster and help provide public support of NASA’s Asteroid Grand Challenge.

The purpose of the agreement is to facilitate collaboration between NASA and SpaceGAMBIT to find crowdsourced solutions through the maker community related to asteroid detection, tracking and characterization and novel educational opportunities to expand the understanding of asteroids, astronomy and ultimately increase participation in the Asteroid Grand Challenge.

NASA’s Grand Challenge statement is to “Find all asteroid threats to human populations and know what to do about them.”

SpaceGAMBIT is a US government DARPA funded program run by Maui Makers, a not-for-profit makerspace on Maui, Hawaii USA, with international collaborating partners and advisors.



SpaceRef staff editor.