Status Report

NASA Ames Research Center and Sustainable Silicon Valley – A Call for Solutions

By SpaceRef Editor
October 19, 2012
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Subject: NASA Ames Research Center and Sustainable Silicon Valley – A Call for Solutions.
From: Centerwide Announcement
Date: October 19, 2012

TO: Staff

FROM: Dr. Steven Zornetzer, Associate Director, Technical

SUBJECT: NASA Ames Research Center and Sustainable Silicon Valley – A Call for Solutions.

NASA Ames Research Center and Sustainable Silicon Valley are collaborating to showcase game-changing innovations to regional water and energy use, to protect the regional environment of Silicon Valley and find solutions that are scalable to the planet.

The “Call for Solutions” to Planetary Sustainability requests proposals addressing regional and worldwide concerns such as climate change, water management, energy use, transportation, manufacturing and supply chain management.

“We are looking for scalable technology and policy solutions to more efficient use of natural resources, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” said Dr. Steven Zornetzer, NASA Ames Associate Director, Technical.

Submission guidelines and entry forms can be found at

Deadline for submissions is December 15, 2012, 5 PM. Use discount code govfree to waive submission fee.

The top 200 finalists will be announced March 7, 2013. A prize purse for winners in several categories and a systems prize will be featured at the Water, Energy and Smart Technology Summit (WEST) on May 23, NASA Ames Research Center.

Speakers for the WEST Summit 2013 include Steve Jurvetson, managing director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a leading venture capital firm with affiliate offices globally and $7 billion under management. Information on the 2013 WEST Summit can be found at

Sustainable Silicon Valley (SSV) envisions a healthy environment, vibrant economy and socially equitable community in Silicon Valley and throughout the world. SSV, a consortium of companies, government entities, non-profits and academic and research institutions is collaborating with NASA Ames through a Space Act Agreement (SAA). NASA, via this SAA, hopes to engage academe and the private sector in an expanding effort across multiple sectors to identify and highlight sustainable approaches that could have regional, national and global impact.

The Call for Solutions enables entrants to share their ideas and applications through SSV’s EcoCloud virtual space and to connect with one another in a collaborative environment. Solutions submitted in the past have included unique technologies and policies that have increased economic and environmental resilience. Submit your ideas today!

SpaceRef staff editor.