Status Report

NASA Amendment to Combined Synopsis/Solicitation: Translation and Editing of Key Documents in Soviet Space History

By SpaceRef Editor
May 26, 2005
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NASA Amendment to Combined Synopsis/Solicitation: Translation and Editing of Key Documents in Soviet Space History

General Information

Document Type: Amendment to Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
Solicitation Number: NNH05074867Q
Posted Date: May 26, 2005
Original Response Date: Mar 01, 2005
Current Response Date: Jun 01, 2005
Original Archive Date: May 26, 2006
Current Archive Date: May 26, 2006
Classification Code: A — Research & Development
Naics Code: 541930 — Translation and Interpretation Services

Contracting Office Address

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Headquarters Acquisition Branch, Code 210.H, Greenbelt, MD 20771


This is a modification to the synopsis entitled TRANSLATION AND EDITING OF KEY DOCUMENTS IN SOVIET SPACE HISTORY, NNH05074867Q.

For those vendors who submitted a proposal for the original solicitation, you must resubmit your original proposal or submit a revised proposal. This synopsis has been reopened, and you are notified that the following changes are made: The Primary Point of Contact is Lou Milstead 301-286-6638

1) Due date for responses is extended to June 1, 2005;

2) NASA’s budget estimate is revised to $85K; and

3) Statement of Work (SOW) has been revised.

It is the responsibility of the contractor to review the current SOW for any revisions.


1.0 Summary:

This statement of work describes the requirement for a highly experienced project editor and translator to produce, for publication in the NASA History Series, selected highlights from the diaries of Vasiliy Mishin and Konstantin Feokstikov. These diaries of two Soviet space pioneers are hand-written in the Russian language and have not been published in English. The Mishin diaries, consisting of several thousand pages, and the Feokstikov diaries, consisting of several hundred pages, are available at the NASA History Office, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. The contractor will be responsible for selecting and translating the most important portions of the diaries, adding editorial context for the diarists- often-cryptic references, and preparing the material for publication. Key time periods shall be selected and translated with a view toward yielding maximum new insights on the Soviet space program. The NASA History Division shall administer this project and manage the professional review and oversight of final publication of the work.

2.0 Scope: T

his contract is for the preparation of a book-length manuscript containing translated and edited excerpts from the Mishin and Feokstikov diaries. This history project shall build upon the relatively scarce existing scholarly literature on Soviet space history such as Asif Siddiqi’s book Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945-1974 (NASA SP-2000-4408). In order to place the materials in context, it must reflect extensive research of records related to the subject. The finished manuscript is to be delivered within two years.

3.0 Procedures for Historical Research:

– The contractor shall be intimately familiar with Soviet space history, both the general history of science and technology literature and science and technology studies concepts. It is critical that the contractor understand the historical context fully and be able to choose key excerpts and explain them to a more generalized history of science and technology community. The contractor shall use this background knowledge to structure and present an intellectually challenging set of material accessible to scholars, students, technology practitioners, policymakers, and the general public.

– The contractor shall put these memoirs into context, with translation and commentary in a form acceptable for publication as a scholarly edited memoir. This final product shall be illustrated only as appropriate to explain the issues raised in the written work. The contractor shall be responsible for identifying appropriate photographs for this book and obtaining necessary permissions for use.

– Archival material located during the course of this work shall be cited and thus made known to future researchers. Copies of research notes and documents shall be placed by the contractor in the NASA Historical Reference Collection for the use of future researchers.

– The work shall conform to similar works in the NASA History Series, such as T. Keith Glennan, The Birth of NASA: The Diary of T. Keith Glennan (edited by J.D. Hunley, NASA SP-4105, 1993) and Asif Siddiqi, Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945-1974 (NASA SP-2000-4408).

4.0 Proposal Guidelines:

NASA’s budget limit for this effort is approximately $85,000.00. Items 4-1 thru 4-4 are the Technical evaluation factors which will be reviewed for selection and award. Proposals for this study shall include the following information:

– 4-1 A detailed outline explaining what years and subject areas the proposers would suggest translating and editing. The proposers should also explain their rationales for their selections, demonstrating the historical significance of these materials. Proposers should also detail how the topics would be covered in each chapter and how the overall narrative would flow.

– 4-2 A relatively short (no more than 1-2 pages) bibliographic essay demonstrating the proposers- familiarity with key scholarly and popular literature relevant to Soviet space history. This shall be in narrative form, although it may also include a simple listing of key books, articles, and other print materials that have already addressed some part of Soviet space history.

– 4-3 Information on the proposers- fluency in the Russian language and experience editing complex works in aerospace history.

– 4-4 A personnel plan including details on who shall be involved in the project and their relevant background(s) and expertise. If more than one person is to be involved, the proposer shall clearly indicate how the work would be broken down.

– 4-5 A detailed cost plan including breakdowns for salaries, travel, supplies, and any other relevant categories.

5.0 Content Specifics:

– This historical work shall begin with an introduction that explains the purpose and scope of the book(s) as well as its contents, describes the method of research and the parameters of study, and introduces the major themes considered in the project.

– The work shall be organized chronologically, with significant allowance for topical treatment as necessary to explain fully the subject.

– All writing shall be in accordance with acceptable scholarly, literary, and methodological standards as established by the NASA History Division and reflected in earlier NASA history publications and the guide, Research in NASA History. Reference to other written materials must be fully documented and reference notes in this narrative must appear in proper academic style as established in the above and in the most recent Chicago Manual of Style. In general, the style shall conform to the NASA Historical Style Guide (available at on the World Wide Web).

– There shall be no citations to documents in ‘private collections’ or the like. Documents obtained from private individuals shall be photocopied and the photocopies included in the Historical Reference Collection at Headquarters or a relevant Field Center. If the original owner of a document does not approve of photocopying the document, the historian shall cite another relevant document or contact the NASA History Office for further guidance.

– A list of new or special terms and acronyms shall be included in a glossary and explained when first appearing in the text. Statistical material shall be organized in a readily understandable format. The contractor shall prepare an index after the manuscript reaches the page proof stage.

6.0 Performance Requirements:

– Reports of research progress, an outline, drafts of major sections, the volume(s) introduction, a glossary of terms, a graphics plan (proposed illustrations and tables), and any appendices or cross reference guides are due at the milestones shown in Table 1. Invoices shall be submitted with each milestone delivery. Payments shall be made after delivery and acceptance of each milestone. A panel shall critique the completed draft manuscript. The contractor shall revise the draft in response to recommendations. The graphics plan, the original and two photocopies of the final manuscript (including all tables and appendices), and one set of computer disks containing the manuscript (see Word Processing Criteria) shall constitute a critical deliverable. Correction of page proofs and a professionally done index shall be the final deliverable.

– All research notes, photocopied documents, correspondence, interview transcripts, photographs selected for inclusion, manuscript sections and narratives, and rights to publication of the study become the property of NASA at the end of the project. Publication of the work is the responsibility of the NASA History Office, which shall attempt to publish the book within one year of the completed final manuscript. Alternatively, the NASA History Office may submit the manuscript to an outside scholarly press for consideration. The individual(s) involved in the writing of the work shall be listed as author(s) of the published work. NASA retains the final right to publish or not to publish the contract manuscript.

– The contractor shall submit written progress reports, of at least 500 words, and all other deliverables to the contract project monitor as stated on the milestone chart (Table 1).

– The contractor shall carry out the project using contractor office space, equipment, and supplies. Workspace and photocopying equipment shall be made available to the investigator when researching in NASA facilities.

7. 0 Word Processing and Electronic Image Criteria:

The individual draft chapters as well as the final (revised and complete) manuscript shall be submitted as email attachments or on disks processed with the Microsoft Word 2000 program or on another translatable software. Alternative software must be agreed upon before work begins. Font for the processed manuscript shall be 12-pitch Times New Roman or an equivalent approved before work begins. Three paper copies of the manuscript on standard 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper must accompany the electronic submission. The electronic submission and the paper copy of the manuscript must be identical. Images for the manuscript shall be delivered in full-size (typically 8×10- ) glossy prints or in high-resolution (300 dpi at original size) graphics files in jpeg or similar format. The contractor shall be responsible for collecting appropriate images and obtaining any relevant permission to use them.

8.0 Scholarly Citations

It is critical that the author use standard scholarly style in employing either footnotes or endnotes in all appropriate places. Any technical data or statistics that are not common knowledge must be acknowledged with a footnote or endnote. Similarly, all direct quotations must be individually cited. All citations must provide full bibliographic information including the author’s name, publication title, publication place and date, publisher, and specific page number. Full citations in footnotes or endnotes must be used in all phases of the writing, including all draft chapters. Authors are expected to adhere to the more complete guidance on the use of footnotes and endnotes at on the Web.

9.0 Citing materials from the NASA History Office:

The author shall cite the specific folder number for all materials found in the NASA History Office’s Historical Reference Collection. Similarly, whenever possible, all NASA images shall include a NASA photo number.

10.0 Editorial Style:

The manuscript narrative must employ formal, scholarly standards as defined by the current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, supplemented by the NASA style guide. The latter is provided to contractors especially to guide the expression of government and scientific nomenclature. Specifically:

1. The finished manuscript must exhibit consistency of format, style, and usage throughout.

2. Passages of text making direct and attributed use of more than fifty words derived from another published work must be identified for ease in obtaining copyright permissions or waivers.

3. The author must obtain explicit written permission to use photographs obtained from non-government sources.

4. Parenthetical notes must be used in attributing quoted material or source material in the manuscript and must follow rules given in the style manuals cited above.

11.0 Deliverables:

– NASA shall pay the Contractor 12.5% of the total order value upon successful completion of each milestone event as specified below.

– Format and editorial aspects of the deliverables shall be evaluated along with the substantive, intellectual quality of the manuscript.


  • 3 Months: Progress report
  • 6 Months: Progress report, outline of historical project, research plans, and preliminary bibliography
  • 9 Months: Progress report, draft chapters of first half of manuscript
  • 12 Months: Progress report, revised chapters of first half of manuscript
  • 15 Months: Progress report, archival status, draft chapters of last half of manuscript
  • 18 Months: Progress report, revised chapters of last half of manuscript
  • 21 Months: Progress report, graphics plan
  • 24 Months: Progress report, final manuscript NASA retains the final right to publish or not to publish the contract manuscript. Documents related to this procurement will be available over the Internet.   

These documents will reside on a World Wide Web (WWW) server, which may be accessed using a WWW browser application.

The Internet site, or URL, for the NASA/HQ Business Opportunities home page is gr=D&pin=04

Offerors are responsible for monitoring this site for the release of the solicitation and any amendments.

Potential offerors are responsible for downloading their own copy of the solicitation and amendments (if any).

Original Point of Contact

Jeanne V Moschetti, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 286-8150, Fax (301) 286-0366, Email – Christopher D Whyte, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 286-4309, Fax (301) 286-0357, Email

Email your questions to Jeanne V Moschetti at

Current Point of Contact

Christopher D Whyte, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 286-4309, Fax (301) 286-0357, Email – Christopher D Whyte, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 286-4309, Fax (301) 286-0357, Email

Email your questions to Christopher D Whyte at

SpaceRef staff editor.