NASA Administrator’s Internal Memo: FY 2010 Performance and Accountability Report

I am pleased to report that we have made significant improvements throughout NASA to address financial management challenges the agency has faced for a number of years. For the first time since 2002, NASA has earned a qualified opinion overall with no material weaknesses from the agency’s independent auditors. Moreover, NASA obtained an unqualified opinion (the “Gold Standard” for audits) on its Consolidated Balance Sheet and Combined Statement of Budgetary Resources. I am particularly gratified to note NASA’s resolution of the issues related to the Agency’s legacy Property, Plant, and Equipment.
I want to commend the Chief Financial Officer’s staff, both here at Headquarters and at the Centers, for this significant achievement in financial management. Through their successful efforts to fully integrate the financial accounting system, the audit report concluded for the first time since FY 2000 that NASA is substantially compliant with the various systems requirements set forth in the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act.
These achievements are detailed in the financial statements included in the FY 2010 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR), which we released yesterday. In addition to our financial statement, the PAR is a detailed look at our performance toward achieving annual goals and long-term objectives as written in our Strategic Plan. Although the PAR is a federally-required document, it is also a showcase for NASA’s achievements. Sharing this information with the public supports the Obama Administration’s initiatives toward transparency and open government.
You can read the entire report at:
Going forward, I am confident that we will remain vigilant in maintaining the public trust through safeguarding our assets, promoting integrity in financial stewardship, and pursuing teamwork in accounting and budgeting. Thank you for your hard work on behalf of the American people.