Status Report

NASA Accepting Proposals for Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences 2011

By SpaceRef Editor
April 21, 2011
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NASA is accepting proposals for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Research Announcement, or NRA, entitled Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) — 2011.

There are three education opportunities in this ROSES NRA.

The first is the opportunity to conduct midsized education and public outreach projects by participating in Opportunities in Education and Public Outreach for Earth and Space Science. Full proposals are due on May 6, 2011.

The second opportunity is for early career scientists and engineers. Early career scientists and engineers in Earth science may participate in the New Investigator Program in Earth Science. A notice of intent is not requested for this opportunity. Full proposals are due May 27, 2011. Early career scientists and engineers in planetary science may participate in the Fellowships for Early Career Researchers. For this opportunity, a Notice of Intent is requested by June 30, 2011, with full proposals due on Aug. 31, 2011.

The third opportunity is for Principal Investigators, or PIs, of selected research investigations to receive Education or Outreach awards as supplements to their research award. Two different pathways are offered: $15K/year education pathway proposals and $10K/year outreach pathway proposals. The parent research award must have more than 12 months remaining at the time of submission of an education or outreach supplement proposal. For additional details concerning the submission of supplement proposals, please see Supplemental Outreach Awards for ROSES Investigators and Supplemental Education Awards for ROSES Investigators. For this opportunity, a Notice of Intent is requested by Aug. 3, 2011, with full proposals due on Sept. 2, 2011.

For more information, visit

Questions, comments and suggestions about the SMD E/PO program are welcome and may be directed to Stephanie Stockman at

SpaceRef staff editor.