Status Report

NASA 2011 Space Tech Engineering Design Challenge

By SpaceRef Editor
April 2, 2011
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NASA has invited college students to take part in the 2011 Space Tech Engineering Design Challenge. Students are invited to design a technology that will help further space exploration and development. Designs may relate to autonomous operations; entry, descent and landing; human factors; power/propulsion including for operation in space and on other planetary bodies; or robotics (not related to in-situ lunar samples). Students entering other NASA contests, such as Lunabotics or RASC-ALs, may not submit the same entry or technology that they used for the other contests. All entries must be original and must be the work of students, not faculty or corporate partners.

The contest is open to any full-time student enrolled in an accredited post-secondary institution in the United States. This category includes universities, colleges, trade schools, community colleges, professional schools, etc. Interdisciplinary teams are encouraged.

A notice of intent is requested as soon as possible. Final entries are due June 1, 2011.

For more information and a complete list of rules, visit

Questions about the challenge should be directed to Elizabeth Ward at

SpaceRef staff editor.