Status Report

MRPO Daily Status Report 11-27-02

By SpaceRef Editor
November 27, 2002
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GMT Date: 331

Calendar Date: 11/27/02

Increment: 5

Stage: 9A

Week 25

Joint Operations are going smoothly as planned. The ISS Port 1 truss segment
was successfully installed yesterday via use of the Shuttle and Station
robotic arms and a 6.5 hr. space walk (EVA-1) by two crewmen. Joint Operations
will continue through Sunday, 12/1. Undocking is planned for Monday, 12/2.

Payloads launched on STS-113/11A:
CSLM-2, STES-10, ZCG Autoclaves & Hard drives, InSpace Coil Assemblies.
STES-10 is powered and nominal.

Payloads to be returned on STS-113:
PGBA, STES-7, ZCG Autoclaves & Hard drives, MSG PDC.

Payloads currently on-board ISS:
and ZCG.

MRPO payloads CGBA, MAMS, PGBA and SAMS continue nominal, basically unattended,
operations. STES-7 remains powered but the growth chambers have been deactivated.
BSTC, InSpace, MSG, PFMI, SUBSA and ZCG are currently inactive.

EXPRESS RACKS 1 and 4 (ER1 & ER4) are powered and supporting payload
operations. ER2 power has been turned-off to conserve energy during Joint
Operations. ER3 and ER5 are available to support payload operations but
are currently inactive.

CGBA health and status data is nominal. CGBA power will be turned-off
Friday and the payload will be inactive until it is returned on STS-114

MAMS is operating nominally in the quasi-steady mode. HiRAP is currently
disabled. MAMS data is available on the acceleration measurement web page.

MSG trouble-shooting has confirmed the Power Distribution Controller
(PDC) has failed. The PDC has been removed from the MSG and may be returned
on STS-113. The MSG will not be able to support payload operations until
the PDC is either repaired or replaced. A replacement PDC is not currently
available onboard the ISS.

PGBA health and status data is nominal. Downlink of video from the PGBA
internal cameras has not been successful. Plant growth has not been observed
so far on the second crop. PGBA is scheduled for transfer to STS-113 Friday
for return.

PFMI hardware and a partially processed sample (#8) remain un-powered
in the MSG which is currently inoperable.

All SAMS sensors in EXPRESS Racks are operating nominally. The SAMS sensor
in the MSG is currently turned-off. SAMS was active during docking yesterday.
SAMS data is also being posted to the acceleration measurement web page.

STES-7 health and status data is nominal. All growth chambers were deactivated
Sunday. Exchange transfers of STES-7 in ER4 and STES-10 on the Shuttle
are scheduled Friday. STES-7 is to be returned on STS-113.

ZCG operations have been completed. The processed autoclaves have been
removed and stowed in preparation for return on STS-113.

Near-term Outlook:

Week 25 (11/25-12/1) – Two additional Space Walks are planned to
fully activate all services on the newly installed Port 1 truss. Supply
and return payload transfers will also be accomplished.

Today the crew is preparing for EVA-2 on Wednesday, transferring items
between the Shuttle and ISS and the Expedition 5 crewmembers and are handing
over duties to the Expedition 6 crewmembers. The ISS will be used to reboost
the ISS to a higher orbit. Final connections and service activation procedures
will be accomplished during EVA-3 Saturday.

Expedition 6 Week 1 (12/2-12/8) – Undocking should occur on Monday, 12/2.
The crew will have off-duty days on Tuesday and Wednesday. No crew activities
are scheduled during the remainder of this week for MRPO payloads.

M. Vlasse, PhD, DSc
MRPO Increment Scientist


BCSS — Biotechnology Cell Science Stowage
BSTC– Biotechnology Specimen Temperature Controller (General status information
on this payload will include coverage of the following items of support
equipment: BTR, BCSS and GSM)
BTR — Biotechnology Refrigerator
CGBA – Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus
EVA – Extra Vehicular Activity
GSM — Gas Supply Module
InSPACE– Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates
ISS – International Space Station
MAMS — Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System
MSG – Microgravity Science Glovebox
PDC – Power Distribution Controller on MSG
PFMI – Pore Formation and Mobility Investigation
PGBA – Plant Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus
SAMS — Space Acceleration Measurement System II
STES – Protein Crystal Growth – Single Thermal Enclosure System
SUBSA – Solidification Using a Baffle in Sealed Ampoules
ZCG – Zeolite Crystal Growth

SpaceRef staff editor.