Status Report

MRPO Daily Status Report 06-06-02

By SpaceRef Editor
June 6, 2002
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GMT Date: 157

Calendar Date: 06/06/02

Increment: 4

Stage: 8A

Week 25

UF2, aboard STS-111, was launched yesterday at approximately 4:22 p.m. CDT. Docking will begin tomorrow at approximately 11:16 a.m. CDT.

MRPO payloads launched on UF2 are: ADVASC, InSPACE, MEPS, MSG (a full rack of equipment), PFMI, StelSys, STES-8, SUBSA, ZCG samples. Also EXPRESS RACK 3 (ER3), with MEPS mounted in it, will be delivered on STS-111.

MRPO payloads to be returned on STS-111 are: BTR, CGBA, CPCG-H, PCG-EGN, PCS, and ZCG samples.

Payloads currently on-board ISS: BSTC, CGBA, CPCG-H, MAMS, PCG-EGN, PCS, SAMS and ZCG

MRPO payloads CGBA, CPCG-H, MAMS, SAMS and PCG-EGN, continue nominal unattended operations. All BSTC equipment is currently inactive. BTR, the biotech refrigerator, which had one of its cooling elements inoperative, will be returned to the ground on UF2 for anomaly analysis. PCG-EGN is a passive payload and will operate undisturbed until it is returned on UF-2. PCS failed on day 056 and will be returned on UF-2 for analysis. ZCG operations have been completed and the samples have been removed from the furnace for return on UF2.

EXPRESS RACKS 1, 2 & 4 (ER1, ER2 & ER4) are powered and supporting payload operations. EXPRESS RACK 5 (ER5) has been checked-out, configured as a back-up to ER4, and powered down. MAMS and part of SAMS are located in ER1. PCS, part of SAMS and ZCG are located in ER2. ER4 houses the payloads requiring continuous power such as CGBA, CPCG-H, and part of SAMS.

During Joint Ops, requirements for additional power by the ISS will necessitate the powering down of ER2 and a good part of time ER1. ER4 will remain powered.
CGBA is downlinking nominal health and status data.

CPCG-H is downlinking nominal health and status data

MAMS is operating nominally in the quasi-steady acceleration mode. MAMS HiRAP sensor is currently inactive. MAMS data is being posted to the acceleration measurement web page.

The PCS flight system is inoperable and the hardware has been prepared for quick removal and return on UF-2. The failure will result in a 5%-15% loss of science.
Four SAMS sensors are operating nominally. One SAMS sensor has been powered down and stowed as part of the PCS preparation for quick removal. SAMS data is being posted to the acceleration measurement web page.

Near-term Outlook:

Week 25 (6/3-6/9) – To conserve energy during the 8A/UF2 Joint Operations Period, ER2 will be powered down late today and ER1 will be powered down shortly after docking tomorrow. MAMS & SAMS plan to record acceleration data during docking and will then be powered down. ER4 should remain powered. Shortly after docking tomorrow, CGBA will be transferred to the STS. On Saturday CPCG will be transferred to the STS and STES-8 and StelSys will be transferred to the ISS. The first EVA, planned for six hours, will occur Sunday.

Week 26 (6/10-6/16) – Much of the crew time will be devoted to transfer operations. Two additional EVAs and three reboosts of the ISS altitude will be conducted during this week. Undocking is planned for Saturday, 6/16.

M. Vlasse, PhD, DSc
MRPO Increment Scientist

ADVASC – Advanced Astroculture
ARIS–Active Rack Isolation System
ARIS-ICE — ISS Characterization Experiment
BCSS — Biotechnology Cell Science Stowage
BSTC– Biotechnology Specimen Temperature Controller (General status information on this payload will include coverage of the following items of support equipment: BTR, BCSS and GSM)
BTR — Biotechnology Refrigerator
CGBA – Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus
CPCG-H #1 – Commercial Protein Crystal Growth High Density Unit.
GSM — Gas Supply Module
InSPACE- Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates
ISS – International Space Station
MAMS — Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System
MEPS – Microencapsulation Electrostatic Processing System
MSG – Microgravity Science Glovebox
PCG-EGN – Protein Crystal Growth-Enhanced Gaseous Nitrogen Dewar
PCS — Physics of Colloids in Space
PFMI – Pore Formation and Mobility Investigation
SAMS — Space Acceleration Measurement System II
STES – Protein Crystal Growth – Single Thermal Enclosure System
ZCG – Zeolite Crystal Growth

SpaceRef staff editor.