Status Report

MODIS Land Processing on MODAPS

By SpaceRef Editor
January 2, 2007
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Reprocessing of MODIS land data began in July, but some difficulties were encountered so it was decided that reprocessing would be restarted and begin at Terra first light as soon as further testing is completed. The Terra reprocessing will proceed to the date of Aqua first light. Thereafter, the combined Terra/Aqua interval will be reprocessed and Collection 5 reprocessing for Land is estimated for completion around mid-March 2008.

Land Collection 5 forward processing for Terra and Aqua is expected to start on dataday 001 (January 1), 2007. In the meantime Collection 4 algorithms are being used.

The leading edge for Land Collection 5 reprocessing in mid-November was at dataday 308, (Nov 3, 2000). The average processing rate for the week ending 11/14 was 2.7x. The Terra-only interval will be completed by mid-May, 2007.

SpaceRef staff editor.