Mirnews No. 492 27 January 2001
Progress-M1-5 linked up with MIR.
The tanker Progress-M1-5 docked flawlessly at the aft docking port (Kvant-1) on 27.01.2001 at 05.33.31UTC.
Just before the docking the TLM transmissions could be monitored in Western Europe. This was during the pass of both objects in MIR orbit nr. 85448, between 0519-0524UTC. Progress-M1-5 on 166 and 922.755 mc and MIR on 638.093 mc.
During the passes in the next orbit (85445 and 85450) only strong transmissions from MIR on 638.085 and 637.831 mc.
C.M. van den Berg, NL-9165/A-UK3202