Status Report

Mir Status Report 22 Mar 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
March 22, 2001
Filed under ,

Note: special thanks to Andrew Yee in helping compile these status reports.

TsUP [Mission Control Center]

TsNIIMash [Central Scientific Research Machine Building Institute]

Rosaviakosmos [Russian Aviation and Space Agency]

Moscow, Russia

Press release: March 22, 2001, 09:00 (Moscow time) [06:00 UTC]

In less then one day “Mir” station will finish its flight.

This morning “Mir” complex transfered to altitude mode in accodance with
the recentry schedule. In the course of the flight the batteries of the
core module other modules and “Progress M1-5” vehicle will be changed
completely. Besides, the operability of motion control systems will be
tested to ensure further dynamic operation at the final stage of “Mir”

All on-board system responsible for descending are switched on and
operable. Atmospheric pressure in pressurized compartments amounts to
670 mm of mercury column and temperature runs to 20 C.

Predescending orbit activities will start 23.03.01. Then after braking
by “Progress M1-5” thrusters “Mir” complex will start recentry and will
cease its existance above Pacific ocean. Non-burnt fragments of station
will fall in predetermined area.

The OC “Mir” stabilization to start dynamic operations is scheduled for
March 22.

The OC “Mir” final stage dynamic operations
March 23, 2001 (Moscow time)




The number of

daily orbit

Current operations

15 rev. The building of the OC “Mir” descent orbit

The first corrective impulse (the cargo ship
“Progress M1-5” 8 control engines are fired):

* The burn start – 03:32 [00:32 UTC]

* The burn duration – 1244 s.

The complex orbit parametres after the maneuver:

* Hmax – 218 km; Hmin – 187 km

* Period of revolution – 88.4 minutes

16 rev.

The second corrective impulse (the cargo ship
“Progress M1-5” 8 control engines are fired):

* Burn start time – 05:01 [02:01 UTC]

* Burn end time – 1328 s.

The complex orbit parametres after the maneuver:

* Hmax – 217 km; Hmin – 159 km

* Period of revolution – 88.1 minutes

2 rev. II. OC “Mir” de-orbit

De-orbit impulse (the cargo ship “Progress M1-5”
8 control engines and the main engine are on):

* The burn start – 08:08 [05:08 UTC], H – 213 km

* The burn end – 08:30 [05:30 UTC], H – 159 km

* The burn duration – 1335 s.

Re-entry time – 08:44 [05:44 UTC] at the altitude
of 100 km.

The time of the destruction start – 08:52 [05:52 UTC]
at the altitude of 80 km.

The calculated impact time of unburned fragments: 09:00 [06:00 UTC].

The ellipse dissipation centre coordinates of unburned fragments:
44.2 deg south latitude; 150.0 deg west longitude

Unburned fragments dispersion: +3500 km

along the longitudinal ellipse axis: 2500 km

along the lateral ellipse axis: +/- 100 km

Comment: the March 21, 2001 maneuver and descent parametres will be updated
in accordance with the current orbit.

The final phase of Mir flight

After docking with the cargo ship “Progress M1-5” and until the final phase
of operation the OC “Mir” was kept up in a spinning mode to save electric
power. The spinning mode was regularly updated to provide enough power
generation from solar arrays.

Due to atmosphere fluctuations the OC “Mir” reentry date could not be set
firmly and required further updating.

In accordance with the OC “Mir” re-entry plan the Complex main onboard
computer “Salute-5A” was activated on March 12 to control its attitude.
Up to the final phase of operation it was used to register the Station
spinning mode parameters.

Mission Control Center used communication sessions to check out the Station
and the cargo ship onboard systems performance, their pressure integrity,
thermal and humidity condition on a regular basis. Orbit radio monitoring
was performed to register orbit parametres and the rate of altitude decay.

The OC “Mir” final stage scenario provides for the beginning of active
dynamic operations after it reaches the average altitude of 220 km.

One day before the de-orbit maneuver the OC “Mir” was transferred to
inertial mode to power up the Station and the cargo ship “Progress M1-5”
storage batteries. The first 2 burns are given during two consecutive
15-16 daily orbits. These burns are performed using “Progress M1-5” 8
control engines with the total thrust of 100 kg/s. With the activated
control engines the Station stabilization is maintained by the attitude
control engines.

The first two impulses are used to build the descent orbit with the
parametres: Hmax = 217 km, Hmin = 159 km with the peregee right above the
estimated landing area in the Southen part of the Pacific Ocean.

After the maneuver the Station is expected to keep up inertial motion. At
this point the built orbit parametres are updated. The final third burn is
given in daily orbit 2 using the “Progress M1-5” 8 control engines and its
main engine with the trust of 300 rg/s.

Thus, to perform deorbit maneuver the OC “MIr” real-time tested manuevers
involving control engines and their combination with the main engine are

MCC information sheet

The OC “Mir” dumping causes great interest of Mass Media and world public.
By March 21 more than 600 representatives from 100 Russian and foreign
mass media companies got accreditted at MCC at the town of Korolev near
Moscow. Besides, over 109 Russian Government officials and embassies
representatives from 63 countries expressed their willingness to attend
the event at MCC.

Since the major function of the MCC is to control space missions it is not
designed to host that many visitors. In fact, the visiting space of the
“Mir” Flight Control Room is limited. That’s why to offer attendance to
all wishing mass media representatives seems highly problematic. It goes
without saying that all back up facilities — the ISS Flight Cotrol Room
and other Flight Control Rooms will be used.

The MCC Management would like to offer their appologies in advance for
being unable to let all wishing Mass Media representatives to attend the

The MCC Management have to ask all the companies having accreditation at
MCC to bring the number of their representatives at MCC during the event
to minimum. The MCC will have to restrict admittance to MCC to 2
individuals for each company including TV, newspaper, radio reporters
and photographers.

Trajectory report No 63 22.03.2001 (OC “MIR”) Date: 22.03.2001

  • Flight orbit number (day): 86314(01)

  • Orbit period (in min): 88.774

  • Mean orbit altitude (km): 216.8

  • Daily average altitude decay (km): 3.4

  • Beta angle, i.e. the angle of the
    Sun vector to the orbital plane (in degrees): +48.1

  • Duration of daylight (min): 57.5

  • Solar and geomagnetic activity current parameters:

    solar F10.7 flux: 155

    geomagnetic index Ap: 20

    F10.7 <= 100 -- low level;

    100 < F10.7 < 150 -- medium level;

    F10.7 >= 150 — high level

  • 22.03.2001 Dynamic operations beginning.
  • 23.03.2001 OC “Mir” de-orbit maneuvers.

  • Re-entry prediction with consideration of
    15% deviation from solar flux activity value: 28.03.2001 +1 day / -1 day

  • Date of the orbit parameters calculations: 22.03.2001

  • Renewed information is expected on 23.03.2001 at 01.00 p.m. DMT.

  • SpaceRef staff editor.