Mir Status Report 13 Mar 2001
TsUP [Mission Control Center]
TsNIIMash [Central Scientific Research Machine Building Institute]
Rosaviakosmos [Russian Aviation and Space Agency]
Moscow, Russia
Press release: March 13, 2001, 09:00 (Moscow time) [06:00 UTC]
The operation with OC [Orbital Complex] “Mir” scheduled for March 12
is complete.
During the previous day apart from routine OC “Mir” onboard systems
checkout and orbit parametres monitoring, command software was uploaded
into MCS Central Onboard computer. The MCS is in free drift.
The received telemetry data was used to assess the onboard systems
performance, thermal and humidity condition and complex pressure
integrity. MCS operation was controled on the core block TV display
Solar arrays generate enough power, so spinning wasn’t updated. The
complex remains in free drift.
The next status report will be issued on March 14.
Trajectory report No 54 13.03.2001 (OC “MIR”)
Date: 13.03.2001
Sun vector to the orbital plane (in degrees): +39.4
solar F10.7 flux: 155
geomagnetic index Ap: 8
F10.7 <= 100 -- low level;
100 < F10.7 < 150 -- medium level;
F10.7 >= 150 — high level
15% deviation from solar flux activity value: 28.03.2001 +3 days / -3 days