Minutes of Senior Staff and Center Directors’ Meeting 23 October 2000
The following documents the discussions addressed at the Senior Staff and
Center Directors’ Meeting on October 23, 2000. Neither Mr. Goldin nor Dr.
Mulville attended the meeting. Action assignments have been placed in
brackets [ ] for easy identification.
1. AA Reports
M/Taylor: Ms. Taylor reported on the following: 1) The STS-92 mission is
going well. They were unable to land yesterday, October 22, due to high
winds at KSC. Two attempts are planned at KSC for today. (Note: The Space
Shuttle Discovery successfully landed at Edwards Air Force Base on October
24.) 2) The majority of the Office of Space Flight’s (OSF) Senior Managers
are at OMB today, presenting the FY 2002 budget. 3) OSF scientists and
engineers are deployed throughout DC schools this week talking to students
as part of “Window Week” and our Window on the Universe Education
Initiative with the Challenger Learning Center. 4) On Saturday, October
21, OSF was presented an award by the National Technical Association (NTA),
the oldest African American Engineering organization in the United States,
during their 72nd Conference and Technology Fair.
G/Frankle: Mr. Frankle reminded attendees of the Ethics Training sessions
beginning today. One may also take this training via SOLAR online.
L/Cherry: Ms. Cherry reported that both the appropriations bill and the
authorization bill are at the White House awaiting signature of the
President. The 4th Continuing Resolution expires on October 25.
S/Weiler: Dr. Weiler reported that the First Marslink (a simulated mission
to Mars) was successfully conducted via Internet by 2500 middle schools
from 50 States and 10 countries, using real-time Mars Global Surveyor data.
R/Anderson: Mr. Anderson reported on an article in Aerospace Daily which
indicated that NASA will provide some $120 million over the next 3 years to
researchers for an opportunity to study such potential “high payoff”
technologies as deep space communications using lasers, composites based on
carbon nanotubes, and “self-directed” rovers for planetary
exploration. NASA’s Cross-Enterprise Technology Development Program
selected 111 proposals from about 1200 received from universities,
industry, private labs, and Government research facilities. The idea is to
push technologies that can advance NASA’s goals in space and Earth science
and human space exploration.
P/Welch: Mr. Welch reported on the following: 1) At least 60 stations a
day have been covering the STS-92 mission. 2) The invitations for STS-97
will be going in the mail tomorrow.
AS/Olsen: Dr. Olsen reported that the NASA Recognition Ceremony for the
President’s Early Career Awards for Science and Engineering (PECASE) will
be held on Tuesday, October 24, from 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. in the Webb
Memorial Auditorium. This interagency award recognizes 60 of the finest
scientists and engineers who, while early in their research careers, show
exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of scientific
knowledge. It is the highest Presidential award bestowed by the U.S.
Government for scientists and engineers beginning their independent
careers. Each of NASA’s six awardees will provide an overview of their
research and then will receive the award from Mr. Goldin. After the
ceremony, we have invited them to attend a luncheon with their family and
appropriate NASA personnel in the Representational Facility. NASA’s
awardees arefrom the Office of Space Science, Dr. Michael Brown (California
Institute of Technology), Dr. Dana Warfield Longcope (Montana State
University), and Dr. Michael Turmon (NASA JPL); the Office of Biological
and Physical Research, formerly the Office of Life and Microgravity
Sciences and Applications, Dr. Janice Yelle (JSC); and the Office of Earth
Science, Dr. Paul Houser (GSFC), and Dr. Yeqiao Wang (University of Rhode
E/White: Ms. White reported that as a result of the Administrator’s recent
visit to Puerto Rico, Mr. Reese is there today and tomorrow conducting an
orientation workshop for the NASA Administrator’s Fellowship Program.
K/Thomas: Mr. Thomas thanked the science codes for their participation in
the Space Science Symposium for Small Business, citing the Chief Scientist,
Dr. Olsen, as well as the Offices of Space Science, Earth Science, and
Biological and Physical Research, and Drs. Weiler and Asrar.
J/Sutton: Mr. Sutton reported that all of the arrangements are in place
for the Administrator’s Issues Conference, October 24 and 25. He wants to
thank JSC ahead of time for hosting this year’s conference.
C/Christensen: Mr. Christensen reminded the Associate Administrators of
the Combined Federal Campaign extension and for employees to get their
pledges in, making this a successful year for NASA.
2. Center Reports
ARC/Berry: Mr. Berry reported that they are looking forward to a visit by
Mr. Goldin this week.
DFRC/Petersen: Mr. Petersen reported on the following: 1) The Center is
prepared to support the landing of STS-92. 2) The Airborne Science DC-8
returns today from a nearly 3-month deployment on the Pacific Rim mission.
GSFC/Diaz: Mr. Diaz reported that the Center hosted the Johns Hopkins
Talented and Gifted Program on Saturday, October 21. Approximately 500
individuals visited the Center, including students and parents.
JSC/Abbey: Mr. Abbey reported on the following: 1) Winds at KSC are
expected to be too high for the Shuttle landing, but the crew may be able
to land at Edwards AFB in the afternoon. 2) On orbit, the International
Space Station (ISS) is doing well. 3) There are only 8 more days until we
launch the first ISS Expedition 1 crew. 4) In preparation for the next
launch, the Shuttle Endeavour will be rolling over to the launch pad next
LaRC/Martin: Ms. Martin reported that Dr. Joel Levine, a member of the
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Science Team, is leading a search for ancient
trapped air in the granite bedrock located under LaRC property. On October
8, the Team reached a depth of 2054 feet and terminated drilling shortly
thereafter at a depth of 2084 feet. The drilling began on July 23. During
the 10-week drilling period, LaRC arranged a weekly 2-hour open house for
interested Center personnel, area students, teachers, and the general
public. Visitors to the drill site included Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts,
students from Hampton University, Christopher Newport University, the
College of William and Mary, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Old
Dominion University, Norfolk State University, the University of Virginia,
Virginia Tech, and numerous students and teachers from nearby elementary,
intermediate, and high schools. Thirty-two cores will remain at LaRC for
detection of possible ancient atmospheric gas that may be trapped in the
MSFC/Saucier: Mr. Saucier reported on the following: 1) Mr. Stephenson
and his Direct Reports are having a 2-day Senior Management Leadership
Retreat in Town Creek, AL. 2) The Center will be having a Safety
Stand-down Day on Wednesday, October 25.
SSC/Craig: Mr. Craig reported on the following: 1) Mr. Estess is
attending the Louisiana Research and Technology Summit in Baton Rouge, LA,
today with Mr. Goldin and Governor Foster. 2) The Aerospace Safety
Advisory Panel conducted a review at the Center last week. 3) The Center
had a successful Family Mission Picnic on Saturday, October 21.